Stem-changers y spelling changers Unit 6
W E I R D O Que Verbs of wanting Verbs of emotion Impersonal expressions (it for subject) Verbs of request Verbs of doubt or denial Verbs of ordering Ojalá Hopefully Alegrarse To Get happy Es importante It is important Pedir To ask Dudar To doubt Dejar To leave Querer To want Estar contento/triste To be happy/sad Es bueno It is good Insistir en To insist on No creer To not believe Mandar To send Desear To wish Molestar To bother Es necesario It is necessary Conseguir To get No pensar To not think Obligar a To oblige Estar de acuerdo con To agree with Quejarse de To complain about Basta Enough Consistir en To consist of Negar To deny Hacer To do Invitar a To invite Sentir To feel EXCEPT: verbs that by their meaning take any doubt away Proponer To propose Prevenir To prevent Preferir To prefer Lamentar To lament Es verdad/cierto It's true Lograr To achieve Aconsejar To advise Sorprenderse To surprise Es obvio It's obvious Permitir To permit Oponerse a To oppose Intentar To try temer/tener miedo To be scared Es evidente It's evident Recomendar To recommend Ordenar To order Aceptar a To accept Gustar/Amar To like/love Exigir To demand
Más irregulares Stem-changers have a stem change in the present subjunctive There are two sets of categories for these stem-changers: -ar and -er stem changers -ir stem changers
-ar and -er stem-changers The stem-changers are the same verbs that are stem-changers in the indicative present tense. O -> ue U -> ue E -> ie
Ejemplos Contar stem-changes from o-> ue Cuent is the new stem Jugar stem-changes from u -> ue Jueg is the new stem Entender stem-changers from e -> ie Entiend is the new stem
-ir stem-changers The stem-changers are the same verbs that are stem-changers in the indicative present tense. E -> ie E -> i O -> ue
Ejemplos Preferir stem-changes from e -> ie Prefier is the new stem Pedir stem-changes from e -> I Pid is the new stem Dormir stem-changes from o -> ue Duerm is the new stem
Notas The endings stay the same, the only thing that's different is the stem The stem-changing verbs are the same ones that are used in the indicative present tense
Spelling changers These spelling changes are similar to the ones we see when we conjugate these verbs in the preterite tense. Verbs that end in -car, -gar and -zar will have a slight ending change when conjugated in the present subjunctive. c -> qu g -> gu z -> c Ejemplos: the new stems of the following words would be Buscar -> busqu Pagar -> pagu Cruzar-> cruc
¡Pruébalo! Conjuga estos verbos en el presente subjuntivo Jugar, I Pedir, we Buscar, you formal Contar, you Dormir, he Querer, they Empezar, we Pagar, you all