Welcome, Titanic Team!
What do you need to bring to class? Pencils Paper Folder for each class Textbook Dry erase marker Hard work and determination
In case you haven’t heard, once a month on Wednesdays, we’ll have a late start. Classes will begin at 10:10 those mornings. More details to come later.
As you can see: It will be important to read something every day. Comic books Newspapers Novels Guinness Book of World Records Just READ!
You’ll have homework twice a week: Mondays: reading homework Wednesdays: grammar homework Spelling tests each Friday
Be sure to get a good night’s sleep! You learn best when rested.
We’ll be using Reading Street again this year We’ll be using Reading Street again this year. You’ll read lots of great stories and improve your reading skills, vocabulary, and fluency. We’re going to have a great time with reading and writing!
We’ll have a chance to do some independent projects during our Genius Days. More details about those later in the year!
Take a post-it and put your name on it. Place the post-it on the spot you’d like your seat to be. Now take it off the teacher’s desk and put it on a table! (That’s cheating!)
Can’t wait to get started! See you next Tuesday!