LCAS Registered Managers’ Network 7-06-16 Housekeeping Fire Evacuation
Registered Managers Registered Managers Networks Supported by Skills for Care and LCAS. Each network: is chaired by a registered manager sets it’s own aims and purpose in line with the interests and needs of local managers, within the context of quality, leadership and learning & development balances a mix of formal and informal discussions represents an opportunity to engage collectively with local stakeholders, for instance commissioners or CQC representatives meets a minimum of three times a year Purpose: Support Registered Managers (RM) to share ideas, good practice and solutions Provide an arena for those in the same geographical areas to meet up and work towards improved quality in the sector Led by Registered Managers themselves, so the topics discussed are always relevant to those attending Reduce isolation at a local level by offering peer support Give members the chance to invite and speak to people who can assist with the quality agenda, like regulators and commissioners Enable collaboration - strength in numbers & cost savings!
Registered Managers Terms of Reference (ToR) Elect a chair who is a RM Enable the network to be a ‘safe-place’ Enable any current RMs of adult social care provision in H&F, K&C and Westminster to join Encourage participation of deputies or other emerging leaders Participate in setting agendas in advance Co-ownership with Skills for Care Facilitate local peer support Work in partnership
Registered Managers Role of the Chair Chair network meetings Communicate with Peter and Donna outside of the meetings Attend the scheduled meetings Participate and agree a draft agenda ahead of each meeting Ensure networks run smoothly & discussions are focused & supportive Agree venues and refreshments Support work to recruit and grow
Registered Managers Priority topics for networks The aim of the network is to focus on personal support; quality; market shaping (via local links ); learning & development. Table Discussions What are your priorities, interest areas & possible organisations / people to invite ? Please record on sheet provided As part of feedback could mention: Some of the topics Donna could offer presentations on • Care Certificate • CQC requirements • Value Based recruitment & workforce planning Creating positive workplace culture (also personalisation / dignity) Integration (with health & housing) & new ways of working Using NICE guidance Qualifications and training Social Care Commitment Using learning materials in-house And what is available through LBE Training
Registered Managers Learning & development Manager Induction Standards (MIS) The Leadership Qualities Framework (LQF) L4 Certificate in Principles of Leadership and Management Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care: the qualification for those wishing to become a registered manager Leadership & Management programmes Manager Induction Standards (MIS) set out what new managers need to know and offer a good measure of practice. First step to equip new and aspiring managers to perform well in their role. The closely associated Becoming the New Manager publication is currently being comprehensively updated into a new workbook and will be available from summer 2016 from our Bookshop The Leadership Qualities Framework (LQF) Describes the attitudes and behaviours needed for high quality leadership at all levels across the social care workforce. It focuses on the values and behaviours that provide the foundations for effective leadership in social care. Level 4 Certificate Workers with excellent care and support skills may find themselves unprepared for the very different knowledge and skills required as a manager. While welcoming the Level 4 Diploma in Adult Care (2015) for senior practice roles, employers have continued to call for a direct route from Level 3 into management. The Level 4 Certificate in Principles of Leadership and Management for Adult Care (Level 4 Certificate) addresses this progression need. The Level 4 Certificate maps closely to Skills for Care’s Manager Induction Standards (2016) and both align with the Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management of Adult Care (Level 5 Certificate). As such the Level 4 Certificate can also be used by managers new in post as an accredited route to the Manager Induction Standards. Level 5 Diploma Revised Level 5 Diploma available from January 2017 Leadership & Management programmes on-going learning means that managers are better placed to support the delivery of quality care
Registered Managers Inspection and management resources Skills for Care have published a broad portfolio, including: Care Improvement Works The People Performance Management Toolkit On-going learning and development Care Improvement Works mapped to the CQC’s Key Lines of Enquiry, so you can choose the resources that'll help you in the areas you most need it. The People Performance Management Toolkit intended for line managers, this practical toolkit includes information around the positive and difficult parts of managing your people. On-going learning and development Guide includes: How effective learning and development can lead to a knowledgeable and skilled workforce P22-24 - A list of the recommended minimum learning P25-57 - development areas in which adult care workers should be competent, includes info on legislation, links to CQC When and how learning should be refreshed with examples Statutory requirements regarding worker training and competence How to support both care and non-care workers’ learning and development. Has hints and tips throughout guide
Registered Managers Registered Managers Membership membership certificate refreshed registered managers handbook (2016) newsletter with monthly ‘Cut Out and Keep’ updates opportunity to receive mentoring or become a mentor access to our LinkedIn forum the registered manager’s member logo an online toolkit - compare your leadership against the LQF discounts on leadership programmes and HR support Member benefits include: welcome/renewal pack containing a membership certificate, further information on our resources and a copy of the refreshed (2016) registered managers handbook your newsletter containing monthly ‘Cut Out and Keep’ updates to add to your handbook the opportunity to receive mentoring or become a mentor for other registered managers and access to our LinkedIn forum, exclusively for managers the registered manager’s member logo to use on communication materials an online toolkit to help you compare your leadership against the LQF discounts on leadership programmes and HR support – with further discounts to follow
How to find out more… SfC Donna Bunce 07825 318616 Website: enews: Sharing practice: