Fundamental Qualifications and Qualities of a Church Restart Pastor Seven Subsets of Qualifications for a Church Restart Pastor
Introduction When a church gets to the point a “restart” is the only solution, it will take a specially gifted, God called leader, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, to revive it. This leader must be endowed with special personal qualities and characteristics.
Family Standards The family is probably the most important aspect of the church restart pastor’s personal life. Clear mandate to a Biblical family life. The husband’s form of submission. The wife’s form of submission. The submission of children to the authority and leadership of the parents.
Spiritual Building Blocks The restart pastor must live by some potent spiritual principles. A fervent and consistent prayer life. A personal walk with Jesus. An extreme faith. A passion and hunger for souls. A heart for discipleship.
Must be engaged in a stewardship way of life. Engaged in Financial Principles The restart pastor must have a strong confidence and faith in God that He is going to provide for his family and the ministry. Must be engaged in a stewardship way of life. Must be engaged in the management of church finances and planting funds as a monetary means of ministry. May need to engage in the option of bi-vocational ministry. Must be engaged in continual learning and maintenance of financial management skills.
Must Posses Interpersonal Skills and Methods Being a people person is a skill that is absolutely necessary for the restart leader. This involves building strategic relationships while understanding the needs of the community. Skill reveals itself in leading and mobilizing people. This work of team building is crucial. Putting together and developing a gifted core team that will assist in the launch and opening of the new church is absolutely crucial. Must develop key leaders by utilizing their talents for the planning of the future of the restart.
Five Key Ministry Attributes The element of a clear calling upon his life. The attribute of visionary leadership. The element of self-start ability. The element of emotional maturity. The element of a missional lifestyle.
CONCLUSION: The restart pastor is the man of the hour for broken hopeless churches. In these difficult days what these dead churches need are people who will seek God’s face about the great need of restarting churches. The church that is dying or already dead needs a man of the hour. It takes a special man…will you be that man?