Leadership Skills for Millennials: Challenging the Status Quo ILA 19th Annual Global Conference Leadership in Turbulent Times Kevin Bottomley, PhD Sylvia Burgess, PhD Lead Faculty Area Chair – Research Senior Consultant University of Phoenix, SAS One Step at a Time Consulting, LLC ksbottomley@email.phoenix.edu docb2399@gmail.com
Problem What leadership skills will young leaders need to thrive in the 21st Century? What are the skill sets that you need to hone to become leaders in turbulent times? What qualities will best prepare youth to lead in a turbulent world where strategic preparedness is required?
Paper Organization Millennials in the workplace Leadership skills needed Leadership qualities Bottomley, K., & Burgess, S. (2017a)
Practice-Immediacy Model
Model Development & Refinement Contextualizing the dynamic tension Leadership takes practice Millennials want leadership more immediately (Andert, 2011)
Implications Coaching & Feedback Framework to examine leadership skills Framework to develop leadership skills
Practice-Immediacy Model Projects Original Article (2014) Are the Behaviors of Transformational Leadership Impacting Leaders? A Study of Leadership Tobias Leadership Conference (2017) Developing the Practice-Immediacy Model ILA Conference Paper (2017) Leadership Skills for Millennials: Challenging the Status Quo Book Chapter (2017 – in press) Millennials in Leadership: An Examination of the Practice-Immediacy Model. In Engaged Leadership: Transforming through Future Oriented Design Thinking.
Conclusions & Next Steps Book Chapter Succinctly defines four basic behaviors and twelve specific skills Future work Develop psychometrics used as an assessment Develop coaching model from assessment
References Andert, D. (2011). Alternating leadership as a provocative organizational intervention: Addressing the needs of the baby boomers, generation Xers and millennials. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 8(4), 67- 83. Bottomley, K., Burgess, S., & Fox, M. (2014). Are the behaviors of transformational leadership impacting leaders? A study of leadership. International Management Review, 10(1), 5-9. Bottomley, K. & Burgess, S.W. (2017a). Leadership skills for millennials: Challenging the status quo. Working paper submitted to the International Leadership Association Global Conference Bottomley, K, & Burgess, S.W. (2017b – in press). Millennials in Leadership: An Examination of the Practice-Immediacy Model. In Engaged Leadership: Transforming through Future Oriented Design Thinking. Springer Publishing, Inc.