ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Assistant Principal Mr. Jesse Burgess Dean for classes of 2019/2021 Mr. Ryan Wagner
ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REGISTRAR Dean for classes of 2020/2022: Ms. Audrey Jackson Registrar Marcy Hankins Transferring to/from MHS Updating Skyward
ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Athletic Director Mr. Kip Staggs
GUIDANCE STAFF A – D Julie Presley S – Z Erica Sgroi L - R E – K Lori Lund S – Z Erica Sgroi L - R Elliott Doan
PLEASE RELAX!! Requests are not final until May 1st. Any level of any class counts toward any diploma. General classes will count toward an honors diploma. Colleges and Scholarships are interested in ‘A’s and ’B’s.
DIPLOMA TYPES Core-40 – minimum requirement for admission to a 4-year college Also: military, Ivy Tech, apprenticeship Must try Core-40 before opting for General AHD – IUB, Purdue, Private Colleges Minimum 3-4 years World Language THD – Honors for vocational career
DIPLOMA TYPES cont. All Diplomas: PE 1, PE 2, Health, 8 English Core 40: 6 math, 6 science, 6 social studies, AHD: 8 math, 2 fine arts, 3-4 yrs world language 2 dual credit courses or Advanced Placement courses Grade of C or better & 3.0 GPA THD - career pathways, HHCC, vocational
DIPLOMA TYPES cont. In addition to earning required number of credits to graduate, GQE must be passed. Math and ELA Completed Spring of Sophomore Year Retest Twice Junior/Senior Year Waiver Requires 80 Hours of Summer Remediation in JUNE between Junior and Senior year
ENGLISH PLACEMENT Levels: Based upon 8th grade test scores, grades, teacher recommendations 1) Placed by STAR Read, ISTEP, NWEA, GPA 2) If Language Arts 8, anticipate 3 English classes 3) If Language Arts 8A, anticipate 2 English classes We have General and Academic Levels of English 9, 10, 11, 12
ENGLISH PLACEMENT cont. Students may move between levels of English, pending grades and teacher recommendation Aca Eng grade weighted 11th/12th grade Aca Eng allows access to dual credit classes Best to make changes by junior year
WORLD LANGUAGE PLACEMENT Spanish & French taught by MHS teachers American Sign Language taught online by Indiana Online Academy (IOA) If General English Regular French or Spanish (3 classes each) If Academic English Academic French, Spanish, or ASL (2 classes each)
MATH PLACEMENT If Pre-algebra 8: Algebra (3 classes) If As/Bs Pre-algebra 8: Aca Algebra (2 classes) If As/Bs Algebra: Aca Geometry (2 classes) If Cs Algebra: Retake Aca Algebra (2 classes) If Aca Geometry, may double up with Aca Alg II (2 classes)
MATH COURSES Sequence: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-calculus, Advanced Placement Calculus, Advanced Placement Statistics Statistics prerequisite: Algebra II with ‘C’s or better, may double up with Pre-Calculus or Advanced Placement Calculus May complete Geometry and Algebra II concurrently. Must earn As/Bs to remain in academic math sequence.
SCIENCE PLACEMENT If Algebra 1, 2, 3: Earth/Space (2 classes) If Academic Algebra: Biology (2 classes) If Academic Geometry: Aca Biology (2 classes) If Biology: Chemistry or Physics Academic Biology: 1) Very rigorous (top 30 students in class) 2) Required for Advanced Placement Biology and college chemistry 3) Career in medical field
SCIENCE COURSES After Earth/Space Science, Biology If Cs/Ds in Biology, Integrated Chemistry/Physics (ICP) If As/Bs in Biology, Chemistry (table of elements) and/or Physics (light, energy, matter) If Cs in Biology/Chemistry, Anatomy/Physiology (medical) If As/Bs in Biology/Chemistry, Biochemistry If As/Bs in Physics & Algebra-II, Advanced Placement Physics If As/Bs in Chemistry/Biology/Algebra-II, Advanced Placement Biology and/or college Chemistry
MARCH, APRIL, MAY Please check course requests. GOOGLE DOC Complete 21st Century Scholars application before end of May, if Free/Reduced Lunch Take grades and ISTEP seriously Contact high school counselor with questions
NO CLASS CHANGES After May 1st, classes are only changed for counselor errors or student failures. Classes replaced after day 3 of a trimester will result in a WF. ‘W/F’ stands for withdraw/fail and factors into the GPA as an ‘F’.
PLEASE CHECK REQUESTS The best way to ensure accuracy is to check your student’s requests. If a counselor makes an error, they will try to fix the error. If a class is full, however, they cannot overload the class. The master schedule may obstruct the process.
WHY NO CLASS CHANGES? Master schedule Counselor time constraints Must complete part 1, of course, before part 2 Electives are usually full Counselor time constraints Consulting transcripts, prerequisites IDOE standards, job description Counseling, Career, Academics Gold Star Status
TEACHER CHANGES Teacher changes are not permitted. Math-teacher changes can be made for consistency, at the student/parent’s request. Counselors can ‘attempt’ a teacher change, in any subject, if the student has struggled with that teacher in the past.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Summer PE: Register at MHS bookstore, $5.00 fee, late April. MHS PE: Completed during school year, at MHS. Freshman Conditioning: Complete freshman conditioning. Conditioning grades 10-12 does not count. PE Waiver: Complete athletics, winter guard, band, dance, or cheer, at MHS. PE Waiver must be complete by the start of junior year.
ATTENDANCE POLICY Attendance Telephone Ext. 4012 Only 5 unexcused absences allowed per trimester, or 12 weeks More than 5 unexcused absences results in Loss Of Credit (LOC) Required classes with LOC must be retaken, even if passed Excused absences: medical visits, funerals, court appearance, pre-arranged with administrator Parent call-ins are authorized, but NOT excused
ATHLETICS IHSAA (high school eligibility): 1) Must pass 4 of 5 classes prior to the season Except first trimester of freshman year. 2) Must be enrolled in 4 courses during season Student assistant—no credit Beware LOC or failed classes
ATHLETICS NCAA (college eligibility): Complete 32 courses in English, math, science, social studies, and world language. Courses in agriculture, art, business, consumer science, PE, music, and technology do not count. Students will complete 60 classes during high school. If you plan to participate in college athletics, please alert your counselor.
Trimester Schedule 5 Classes per day 3 Grading periods 15 Credits per year Ends in November Trimester 2 February Trimester 3 May
FRESHMAN ORIENTATION No longer during the summer Tour High School during School Hours Tuesday, March 20th (1/3 AM, 1/3 PM) or Wednesday, March 21st (1/3 AM) High School Counselors visit JRW to gather course requests on Monday, March 12th