BJT Characteristics & Biasing Circuits EXPERIMENT 7 BJT Characteristics & Biasing Circuits
Voltage-Divider-Bias Configuration PART B Voltage-Divider-Bias Configuration
BJT - 2N3904 C B E
Measure all resistor values (R1, R2, RE and RC) from circuit in Fig. 7 Measure all resistor values (R1, R2, RE and RC) from circuit in Fig. 7.2 using DMM. Record them
Construct the network of Fig. 7. 2 and measure VB, VE, VC and VCE Construct the network of Fig. 7.2 and measure VB, VE, VC and VCE. Record them in Table 7.2. Table 7.2 VB(V) VE(V) VC(V) VCE(V) IE(mA) IC(mA) Measured (Step 3&4) 4.4 V 3.7 V 3.86 V 0.16 V
Measure the voltages VR1 and VR2 Measure the voltages VR1 and VR2. Calculate the currents I1 and I2 using Ohm’s Law. VR1 VR1 = 15.6 V I1 = 0.709 mA VR2 = 4.4 V I2 = 0.647 Ma So IB = II – I2 = 0.062 mA
Using Kirchoff’s current law, calculate the current IB Using Kirchoff’s current law, calculate the current IB. Then, measure the currents IE and IC values. Then complete Table 7.2 Confirm that IB calculated using KCL is equal to the IE-IC
I1 = _______________, I2 = ________________ VB(V) VE(V) VC(V) VCE(V) IE(mA) IC(mA) Measured (Step 3&4) 4.4 V 3.7 V 3.86 V 0.16 V 5.441 mA 5.382 mA I1 = _______________, I2 = ________________ Using KCL, IB = _______________ IB = IE – IC = 0.059 mA