The War for American Independence Chapter 7
You Say You Want a Revolution? The newly formed United States of America declares independence July 4th, 1776 Just One SLIGHT Problem: No other country recognizes us as being independent
Divisions in Colonial America Not all colonists were supportive of the war Loyalists made up 20-30% of the population 40-45% were Patriots 25-40% were Pacifists and/or Neutral Northern colonies were mostly Patriots Southern states were Loyalist
Reasons for Remaining Loyal AKA – “Tories” Some held jobs by the crown or parliament Some feared disorder without a king Some were members of the Anglican Church, headed by the king Some slaves were promised their freedom if they fought for the British
Reasons for Wanting American Independence AKA – Patriots No taxation without representation Colonies were self-sustaining Wanted religious freedom Some just wanted more land out west
Reasons for Being a Pacifist or Neutral Party Many such as the Quakers did not approve of war for religious reasons Remaining neutral allowed for partnerships with both sides, and later with the victor (just like Switzerland has done many times!)
What About the Native Americans? Native American populations were severely divided Some tribes joined the British (fears of Americans taking more of their land) Others joined the Americans (had previous positive partnerships) Splits caused the largest war in Native American history!
#PatriotArmyProblems Complied from state militias Men were untrained, unskilled, and unprepared Soldiers enlisted for only one year Numbers never reached over 17,000 men
Off to a Lousy Start American armies lost almost all early battles they fought British were far better organized Congress did not fund armies well enough for quality equipment, supplies, food or medical care.
#BritishArmyProblems Many officers refused to fight against Americans Soldiers enlisted for life The war was expensive and unpopular in England The British had to hire many mercenary soldiers from Germany called Hessians
George Washington’s Leadership George Washington had fought in the French and Indian War and was a great military strategist However, Americans lost almost every early battle in the war Moral was very low in the fall/winter of 1776 Washington knew he needed a victory before the end of the year
Surprising Them in their Undies! Battle of Trenton
Battle of Trenton December 1776 On the night of December 25, 1776, George Washington crossed the freezing Delaware River to attack Hessians. The American troops surprised Hessian mercenary soldiers in an early morning raid and captured nearly 1,000 men. There were no American casualties The battle was a major victory for the Americans, as morale was boosted and soon the army began to attract recruits as a result
Battle of Saratoga Hope for the Colonies!
Battle of Saratoga October 1777 October 7, 1777; Saratoga, New York Turning point in the war – Victory at Saratoga American General Horatio Gates faced off against British General John Burgoyne (Benedict Arnold was the hero, but General Gates gets all the credit – remember this later on) Ended a major British threat in the northern colonies
Why did the Battle of Saratoga take place? The British plan was to cut the colonies in two along the New York state line like a snake– because when you cut off a snake’s head it dies! This plan did not work because the colonists killed British generals and Native American guides, and by doing so did not follow eighteenth-century laws of war.
First American Victories! The first two major battles that the colonists won occurred at Trenton and Saratoga.
Gaining New Allies! Upon hearing of the American victory at Saratoga, European countries like France and Spain declared their recognition of the United States of America and fully supported their war for independence. Help from France in particular was necessary in winning the war!