Title Date NEW OFFERING: ATTENDEES VIEWING IN A GROUP SETTING CAN NOW QUALIFY FOR CPE!! HAVE A GROUP VIEWING ADMIN DOWNLOAD, COMPLETE AND RETURN THE GROUP LIVE VERIFICATION FORM IN THE RESOURCE LIST WIDGET TO QUALIFY YOUR GROUP FOR CPE. For your convenience, you may download today’s presentation, Index of Topics and Glossary of Key Terms from the Resource List widget in the lower right section of your console before the event begins. A Housekeeping video will show at before today’s presenters begin. If listening with computer speakers please follow along with the audio. If listening by phone, please follow along with the instructional slides.
Housekeeping and Introductions Welcome Who am I? – Producer, e-Learning Committee Learning Objectives Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 NEW: Group CPE NEW: Webinar Wednesday Opt-In Housekeeping Video Conference Video (Producer will add when available)
Speaker (“Moderator” if other panelists) Insert photo Moderator Name (If a Presenter) Bio Your Logo Here Gary Miller is a Global Director responsible for the business development and solution engineering aspects of CGI’s Global Cyber Security line of business. For 18 years Gary has been assisting government and industry across the globe shape appropriate cyber security strategies to support their changing business. Having held executive leadership positions in cyber security strategy, general management, product management, and marketing & communications, Gary brings a diverse perspective to the modern cyber security challenge. Gary’s unique balance of business and cyber security experience allows him to work with senior leaders to plot the most effective way forward in today’s complex environment.
Moderator and Panel Speakers (delete slide and use previous slide if only one speaker) Name Title Company Name Title Company Name Title Company Name Title Company
Overview of Topics List title of each slide of presentation content In order top down, left to right
Audience Participation Poll - Audience Participation Poll: Please enter the number of individuals in your group if 2 or more are viewing. Not viewing in a group 2-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21 or more (Producer to create in ON24 polling functionality)
Presentation: Slide Title Presentation Content
Polling Question 1 Insert poll question and answer options (For placement only. This will come out and be created using ON24 polling functionality)
Polling Question 1 - Answers Answer slide. Mark correct response as green and incorrect responses in red, and give explanation for the answer. Example: A) Answer, correct because… B) Answer, incorrect because… C) Answer, incorrect because… D) Answer, incorrect because…
Polling Question 2 Insert Poll Question 2 and answer options (For placement only. This will come out and be created using ON24 polling functionality)
Polling Question 2 - Answers Answer slide. Mark correct response as green and incorrect responses in red, and give explanation for the answer. Example: A) Answer, correct because… B) Answer, incorrect because… C) Answer, incorrect because… D) Answer, incorrect because…
Insert Polling Question 3 and answer options (For placement only. This will come out and be created using ON24 polling functionality)
Polling Question 3 - Answers Answer slide. Mark correct response as green and incorrect responses in red, and give explanation for the answer. Example: A) Answer, correct because… B) Answer, incorrect because… C) Answer, incorrect because… D) Answer, incorrect because…
Insert Polling Question 3 and answer options (For placement only. This will come out and be created using ON24 polling functionality)
Polling Question 4 - Answers Answer slide. Mark correct response as green and incorrect responses in red, and give explanation for the answer. Example: A) Answer, correct because… B) Answer, incorrect because… C) Answer, incorrect because… D) Answer, incorrect because…
Contact Information and Q&A Thank you for your attention during today’s presentation. For more information, please contact: Name Title Company email And now, to our Q&A portion of today’s event.
Upcoming Webinars (IASA to update) See the e-learning landing page at www.iasa.org/e-learning for more information. (All times are 2:00pm EDT/EST unless otherwise noted) December 7th – Economic Outlook 2018 December 18th – Key 2017 Annual Statement Changes/GAAP Update January 10th – 2017 NAIC Fall Meeting Review February 22nd – How to Give Feedback Today’s presentation will be archived on the IASA website at www.iasa.org/e-learning and will be available tomorrow afternoon. Archived webinars: September 2017: Excel Tips and Tricks: Dashboards September: Expense Management and Budgeting Trends June 2017: PowerPoint – Basics and Fundamentals IASA’s 5th Edition Life/Accident/Health Textbook was recently completed in both eBook and Print versions and is now available! Visit www.iasa.org/publications for details!
Thank you for joining us! (IASA to update) Thank you for joining us! We are interested in your thoughts about this presentation and topics you may want to see covered in the future. REMEMBER: Please use the SURVEY and TEST widgets to complete your “Survey” and “Request for CPE” to validate your requirements for CPE credit and then print your certificate using the CERTIFICATION widget at the bottom of your console before exiting today’s event. All three widgets are required to meet your requirements for CPE. Again, we appreciate your attention as we evolve the process to meet your educational needs. If you are viewing in a group setting and would like CPE credit, please download the Group Viewing Verification Form from the Resource List Widget. The console will remain open for 30 minutes following the event to allow time to complete these requirements. If additional time is needed, you may use today’s event link to log back in for up to 24 hours to complete these requirements. If you have difficulty viewing the archived presentation, or would like further information about this and future topics to be covered, please contact: Tricia Stillman AVP – Membership and Marketing – IASA tstillman@iasa.org 984.244.7032