To what extent was Gettysburg the most significant turning points in the American Civil War
Introduction: Definition (Gettysburg) When was it? Which generals were involved? Which theatre was it in? Was it fought in the North or the South? Which side won (+casualties)? Write the answers to these bullet points in one sentence.
Introduction: Criteria What would need to happen for Gettysburg to be the MOST SIGNIFICANT turning point in the American Civil War?
Introduction: Judgement Bullet point what your four paragraphs will be about (two on Gettysburg and two on other factors) Summarise
Introduction: Judgement Small extent Large extent
Main Body
Main Body: Points Fill in the points column of the grid, using the four points your mentioned in your introduction
Main Body: Evidence The America paper is a depth paper, and you get top marks for having detailed knowledge of the topic in question. In particular, it distinguishes the very top marks (A/A*) In the evidence column, note down key detail on the four points you have brought up Tip: At home do extra research on key battles such as Gettysburg, Antietam etc.
Main Body: Explain For each point (+ evidence) that you have made, you need to explain whether it makes the battle a turning point or not, using your criteria to judge. Here you have to make sure that you match your argument – if you think that Gettysburg was the most significant turning point – you cannot end an Antietam paragraph saying that is was the most significant turning point!
Main Body: Link Does this point (+ evidence and explanation) prove that Gettysburg was the most important battle in the American Civil War, or challenge that notion? Again, make sure you stick in line with your argument!
Conclusion: Judgement and substantiation The secret to getting top marks here is to show you understand the complexities of the question.
The Battle of Gettysburg had the largest number of casualties of any Civil War Battle and was a Union victory in 1863 in the Eastern Theatre. A turning point is an event that changes the course of something, in this case the course of the Civil War, in such a way that there is a notable shift in the momentum or direction of travel. To judge whether an event is truly a turning point it is important to examine in this case the impact the event had on who won the war, whether the events that followed it were significantly different to those that went before, whether the event fundamentally change the outlook of one-side or the other and whether the direction taken from that moment was then changed again. Gettysburg was clearly a key turning point as halted the run of key victories won by General E. Lee, broke the spirit of the Lee and the Confederacy, inspired the Union and the Confederate Army could ill afford such losses (28,000) that were inflicted in Gettysburg. There were however………………