Dilbert Scott Adams Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
Dilbert Scott Adams Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
Dilbert Scott Adams Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
Dilbert Scott Adams Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
Dilbert Scott Adams Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
Dilbert Scott Adams Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
Dilbert Scott Adams Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
Dilbert Scott Adams Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
PM: Initiate the planning for testing! Concurrent development and testing will help integrate testing from the beginning of the project. Otherwise: Testing is separated from the project Starts later Takes longer Forces a serial life cycle “experience” Extends project Delays feedback to developers Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
Fig 13.1 Continuum of Testing Unit Testing is the beginning! System Test ≠ Σ (Unit tests) Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
Team member responsibility All should have a role in testing… from the start. To write fewer defects is to have continuous review of work products and to find the defects faster. Are team members ready to accept the responsibility for finding all their own problems? Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
Are testers “second class” citizens? Are the testers routinely excluded from req’ts and design meetings? Do the testers resort to eavesdropping to hear information about the product? Are the requests from testers postponed or ignored? Is the training budget for testers less than that of developers? Are all testers interchangeable; with similar skills so it doesn’t matter which project they work on? Yes No Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
Are testers “second class” citizens? For non-Agile projects: Do testers work with developers on the code only after the product is built, because they are not brought into the project early enough OR because they don’t know enough about req’ts and design to provide feedback? For Agile projects: Do testers work only with the product owner to develop tests, because they don’t understand the internals of the product necessary to work with developers in building complex tests? Yes No Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman 13 13
What is the best Developer to Tester Ratio? Depends… on what? Requirements, product size, complexity… How development is done – and – customers tolerance for defects and delays. The capabilities and responsibilities of the development and test staff. Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
Can there be one best Ratio? Ask the following questions: How do we estimate the effort needed to test the product? What kinds of testing do we need for this product? How many of what kinds of testers will it take to do that work? How do I know how many testers it will take to keep up with development for this project? Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
The people effect this Ratio Capable developers, fewer testers needed. Capable testers, fewer testers needed. Variation of abilities of developers and testers … “Productivity has much more to do with self-discipline and understanding, as well as solution-space domain expertise.” Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
Potential Areas of Product Risk (Fig. 13.3) One way to look at product complexity
Project and Process Risk (Fig 13.4) Checklist Yes No We consistently define and manage our requirements We know how to evaluate the product architecture as the project proceeds We evaluate each feature's design We implement by feature We have and use a unit test infrastructure for automated unit testing We have a test infrastructure for automated system testing We maintain a daily build rhythm We always review open defects in a cross-functional team to assess impact We have and use a daily build and smoke test
Potential Areas of People Risk (Fig. 13.5) Another Checklist Yes No Our developers don’t have a lot of experience with this kind of product Our testers don’t have a lot of experience with this kind of product We haven’t built feedback into the development team’s practices The people on the test team have limited testing ability and provide developers with limited feedback
Making testing concurrent with Development Serial life cycle: Bring the testers in during req’ts… get their feedback Iterative life cycle: Have testers evaluate prototypes Incremental life cycle: Have testers test features as soon as they are ready. Agile life cycle: Testers work with developers and product owners… developing the techie tests and the usability tests. The testers and the developers may be the same person Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
System Test Strategy Template Product revision & overview Product history Features to be tested Features not to be tested Configurations included & excluded Environmental requirements System test approach System test entry criteria System test exit criteria Test deliverables Other documents referenced Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
QA versus Test QA group must have authority (and the cash): QA is process improvement and process measurement work – not testing! QA is a management responsibility (ideally ) QA folks must have the authority to change the development process QA group must have authority (and the cash): To train developers… To settle customer complaints… To fix defects To write or rewrite user manuals To study customer needs & design the product… To measure the development process over several projects, compare results, & explain the results… and not be fired. To study the current development process and change it, if necessary. Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
What do you think? Do you believe this? “Testing is an honorable , creative profession… Great testers are just as rare as great developers. And, they’re just as necessary for a successful project…” Do you believe this?
Security? Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
Security? Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman 25 25
Security? Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman 26 26
Dilbert Scott Adams Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
Dilbert Scott Adams Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
Dilbert Scott Adams Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman
Dilbert Scott Adams Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management. Johanna Rothman