Bimbo Bakery Site Design Los Angeles River Elysian Valley Gateway McKenzie/Bronco Consulting, Cal Poly Pomona, March 2011
Site Vision A sustainable community center to provide residents with resources and amenities. A gateway to the LA River. Divided into two areas 1.Interactive Open Space 2.Community Center Village
Site Vision Community Open Space Utilized for flea market / farmers market, community events, etc.
Site Vision Community Center Village Community Center Relocation Neighborhood Market
Walkability Key Site Features A center : Primary function for connectivity People : Enough people for businesses to flourish and for public transit to run frequently. Complete streets : Streets designed for bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit.
Lynch Diagram Pedestrian Path Vehicular Path Landmark Node Key Site Features
Cycle service station Aimed to promote cycling within the community as well as service passing cyclists. Includes a small café Open Space Elements
Graffiti /Art Wall Provide artistic outlet for artists, adults, at risk youth Open Space Elements
Seating / triangulation Iinstill community stewardship by involving local artists to design public art / furniture using reclaimed / recycled materials. Open Space Elements
Outdoor Amphitheater Watershed area serves as an Amphitheater for civic and cultural events Open Space Elements
Architectural style Cotemporary style that fits with the community character and is welcoming. Design Concepts
Materials Use recycled and reclaimed building materials such as metals, wood, glass to help mitigate strain of natural resources. Sustainable Concepts
Landscaping / Permeable Pavements Encourage the use of native drought resistant plants. Use recycled water for landscape irrigation. Encourage the use of permeable pavements. Sustainable Concepts
Overview Renderings Neighborhood Market Community Center Cycle Service Station/ Café Graffiti wall Amphitheater
Cycle Service Station / Caf é Renderings
Overview Renderings