PowerPoint Presentation –Guidelines (PowerPoint presentations may be submitted only as a complement to original written materials.) Use the following guidelines for preparing your PowerPoint slides: Please use this template to create your PowerPoint presentation. For headlines, use 32 font size or larger. For text, use 18 font size or larger. Use color combinations that are dark and legible. Use simple fonts (e.g. Arial) that are easy to read. Avoid detailed graphics. Identify units on both axes. Use maximum weight for lines where possible. Keep logos and identification banners to a minimum. They are unnecessary and complicate your slides. Rule of thumb: If you cannot read text on your computer screen from a distance of ten feet, we will NOT be able read it from the back of the room. Please email a copy of your presentation prior to the conference to Julie McCullough at Julie.McCullough@americanbar.org. Collect and coordinate PowerPoint presentations with your moderator, so that they are all uploaded to one laptop prior to the beginning of the session. The ABA does not provide laptop computers. Please coordinate with your panel to determine who will have a laptop available for use during the session. Apple/MAC computers are not permissible during the Conference.