First Aid lessons 4-6
Lesson 4- Intro When treating someone for a severe injury, you may also treat them for shock. Even if no signs of shock are shown, treat them anyways. Shock can follow all major injuries, and if left untreated can become life threatening.
Shock Shock from an injury is different from an electric shock. Shock disrupts circulation in an attempt to correct damage from an injury and to protect its blood supply, the body routs blood away from outer organs and tissue to organs inside the body . This helps keep adequate blood and oxygen from reaching the brain. Shock usually occurs within the first hour of severe injury.
Signs of shock When a victim is in shock, the skin is pale or bluish and cold to the touch. ( for victims with darker skin, check the color of the mucous membranes on the inside of the mouth or eyelids ) Skin may be clammy. Victim maybe restless or nervous, thirsty, bleeding, confused, loss of awareness, rapid breathing, nausea or vomiting, blotchy or bluish skin around mouth or lips, fainting.
Treating shock When treating shock… Position victim on back, or in sitting position for better breathing Elevate feet higher than heart ( unless chest or leg wound) Loosen clothing that may bind around neck or waist keep victim from becoming cold reassure the victim. Give small amount of fluids if help is far away
Fractures Closed or simple fractures- Break in the bone that has not broken the skin Open or compound fracture- Break in the bone where the bone has broken the skin
Do’s and Dont’s Do Call medical assistance immediately Do keep the victim moving Do treat for shock Don’t try to set the bone Don't move victim Don’t give stimulants in cases of severe bleeding
Dislocations Occurs when joint comes and stays apart with the bone ends no longer in contact. Symptoms include severe pain, inability to move joint, swelling. Do not try to set a dislocated joint, instead seek medical help.
Lesson 5: Burns 1st degree: Less severe, reddening of the skin,mild swelling, top layer of skin. 2nd degree: deeper layer of skin, red or mottled skin, blisters or swelling. 3rd degree: Most severe type of burn, may look white or charred, deep tissue destruction, often causes shock, little to no pain due to destroyed nerve endings.
Treating 1st degree burns 1: Loosen tight clothing and remove jewelry. 2:Cool burned area with cold water. 3:pat burned are dry. 4:cover injury with bandage.
Treating 2nd degree burns 1: Follow steps 1 - 4 of first degree burns 2: Elevate burned are 3: ensure vitum drinks plenty of water to avoid dehydration 4: Seek medical attention
Treating 3rd degree burns 1: Ensure victim is breathing 2: Remove any clothing that is still smoldering, do not remove clothes if they stick to burn 3: Cover burned area with cool moist cloth or bandage. 4: Seek medical treatment
Electrical shock Electrical shock will often produce only a small mark on the skin. The injury can still be serious deep tissue burn. treat all electrical burns as third degree burns. The current can stop victims heartbeat/breathing. so treat electrical shock as life threatening.
Chemical burns These occur when the skin or eyes come into contact with liquid or dry chemicals that are caustic or irritating. seriousness depends on the amount of time the chemical is in contact with the body. The higher concentration of chemical, the more damaging.
How to treat chemical burns 1: Remove contaminated jewelry or clothing. 2: Remove chemical from skin. For liquid chemicals, flush them from skin using large amounts of cool water. For dry chemicals, brush them off using a clean, dry cloth.
Lesson 6: First aid for poisons, wounds, and bruises Inhaled poison symptoms include: Confusion, dizziness, weakness, Breathing difficulties, nausea. How to treat inhaled poison. 1: Alert others to situation 2: Take several deep breaths of fresh air. Take one final deep breath as you go in. Hold damp cloth over mouth and nose
Oral Poisoning Occurs when harmful substance is swallowed. symptoms include nausea or vomiting,, burns, odor, diarrhea How to treat: Determine age, size, what was swallowed, and when it was swallowed, call poison control, dilute substance by drinking 2 glasses of water or milk.
Wounds wounds can be classified 4 ways Scrapes, Cuts, tears, Punctures. All wounds can be minor or serious depending on size, depth, location, and source. Minor wounds will stop bleeding on their own or with gentle pressure. Serious wounds require a 1st aid kit and medical attention. examples are, Gaping wounds, heaving bleeding that does not stop, loss of body function, , on face or bottom of foot.
Conclusion These are ways to determine, and treat different kinds of burns, cuts, shock, and trauma. These treatment should be taken seriously as they could potentially save lives.