Raising Attainment in Numeracy and Maths at DPS Parent Council Meeting 11/9/18 Mrs Helen Bennett Numeracy and Maths Support and Development Teacher
School Improvement Plan Priority 2: To raise attainment in numeracy through whole school development around SEAL pedagogy Overall trend up . P4 – although it look low compared with P1 and P7, it is up from their P1 results of 54 %. This is something we are aware of and have put actions in place to support the learners
Key Recommendations from the Making Maths Count Group: National Picture Scotland has a maths problem. Too many of us are happy to label ourselves as “no good with numbers.” This attitude is deep-rooted and is holding our country back educationally and economically. Key Recommendations from the Making Maths Count Group: All schools and nurseries should use a wide range of effective learning and teaching approaches to promote positive attitudes and develop high expectations, confidence and resilience in maths. Education Scotland should evaluate the quality of children’s and young people’s learning experiences and attainment in maths and share examples of good practice. All sectors of education should promote access to high-quality career long professional learning (CLPL) to increase staff confidence and enhance professional practices in teaching maths to children, young people and adult learners. Each local authority should design, implement and evaluate the impact of a CLPL strategy for teachers and community learning staff to develop their professional practices in teaching maths. Source: THE FINAL REPORT OF THE MAKING MATHS COUNT GROUP (2016) Making Maths Count Group was formed by Scottish Government and to tasked with developing recommendations to encourage greater enthusiasm for maths amongst children and young people, their parents and carers and the wider public
How do we teach Numeracy and Maths at DPS? Traditionally, numeracy was taught like we follow a recipe – given the basic ingredients and a set of instructions – ‘how to’. Could follow the recipe successfully to achieve the end result. But what do great cooks and bakers do? They experiment, they adapt, they manipulate the ingredients, they find different combinations and ways of putting the dish together – they are creative, they thi nk outside the box, they are not restricted. That is how we want our pupils to learn about numbers. Build knowledge, understanding and confidence to be flexible with number so they can apply what they have learned in different contexts and settings.
Plan our work following ELC Curriculum Framework and implement through a SEAL pedagogy. Build a deep understanding of numerical concepts through an enquiry based approach. Have a very clear framework of developing knowledge, skills and understanding. How we teach it is through SEAL – underpinned by an enquiry based approach, very close formative assessment to take the children just beyond the cusp of their learning.
Manipulate it – See it – Flash it – Screen it – Give time to explore materials and make sense of number before moving too quickly to written algorithms or sums. Manipulate it – See it – Flash it – Screen it – Check it – Express it – Explain it Lots of talking, explaining, proving answers and sharing thinking. How did you get that answer? Show me, prove it !
Building Knowledge of Number Structure
Rich Tasks and Visual Proof
Staff Development and Training Pupil Voice What are we doing at DPS to raise attainment and confidence in Numeracy and Maths? PEF Funding for Numeracy and Mathematics Support and Development Teacher Staff Development and Training Pupil Voice Parental Support and Engagement How are we going to achieve our aim of raising attainment and confidence in Numeracy and Maths?
Numeracy And Maths Support and Development Teacher Work with individuals, small groups or whole classes to support learning. Carry out individual diagnostic assessments where appropriate to identify learning strengths and development needs. Work with teachers and classroom assistants to support their professional learning. Support homework club and Mathletics lunchtime club. Member of East Lothian Numeracy and Maths Leadership Group. Continue my own professional development. Develop links to support parents.
Staff Training and Development Cluster Numeracy Academy – 3 sessions Learning Trios Numeracy Champions at each year stage Drop-In sessions to support use of teaching materials Commitment to professional reading and dialogue Sharing good practice
Pupil Voice and Engagement Aim to build confidence, enthusiasm and enjoyment of Numeracy and maths. Challenge through ‘Rich Activities’ and real-life contexts. Reflection on own learning, setting goals and celebrating successes. Links with work on growth mind-sets and HOTS. Collaborative learning project with buddy class
Parental Engagement and Support Count Me In How can we help you to help your child? Suggestions on a post-it please ! Volunteers to help in classes with Numeracy lessons. Please add your name and contact details to the sheet.
Making Maths Count SEAL pedagogy to underpin learning and teaching All schools and nurseries should use a wide range of effective learning and teaching approaches to promote positive attitudes and develop high expectations, confidence and resilience in maths. Education Scotland should evaluate the quality of children’s and young people’s learning experiences and attainment in maths and share examples of good practice. All sectors of education should promote access to high-quality career long professional learning (CLPL) to increase staff confidence and enhance professional practices in teaching maths to children, young people and adult learners. Each local authority should design, implement and evaluate the impact of a CLPL strategy for teachers and community learning staff to develop their professional practices in teaching maths. SEAL pedagogy to underpin learning and teaching Learning trios, collaborative learning projects, sharing learning within class, across stages and Campuses. Numeracy Academy sessions, Numeracy Champions, learning from other clusters and authorities, Primary Teachers’ Conference – Numeracy focus