EVENT CODE MANAGEMENT 2017 Users Group Meeting PROSECUTORbyKarpel Monday, November 12, 2018 EVENT CODE MANAGEMENT 2017 Users Group Meeting April 11, 2017 Confidential information
What can Event Codes do for me? Create Court Dates Create Documents Create Case Folders Send Reminders Set Deadlines And so much more
Creating Court Dates Select where this event can be used Creating Setting must be checked Prompt in Setting Control/Dispose Variables - &DOCKET and &DOCDAT All events that create court dates must have the &DOCKET (location/setting code) and &DOCDAT (future court date). Auto Complete – if using setting control & this option is set it will gray out the cases you update. This is helpful if you don’t update all cases (defense atty no show, so clerk is calling to get new dates) that are on the docket that day.
Documents & Folders Select Generates Document to associate document template to event Folders – should your documents go into specific folders Prompt for Setting – future only vs all Prompt for Witnesses Victim Services Document templates – name them appropriately so everyone will know what that document is when they see it under the documents tab. Document categories – all document templates should be associated to a category. Categories can be set to discovery or non-discoverable. Folders – helps your office to set a standard naming convention. If a folder is listed here this document will be saved into that existing folder. If folder does not exist, PbK will create it for you.
Reminders One event – numerous reminders can be created Who should get the reminder When should the reminder be sent Explain the difference between the reminder date: Event Date Prior to Docket Date After Docket Date Docket Date = court date. Completion event – explain that when completing this reminder this event will be triggered. Role – so important if you have multiple individuals listed under more staff
Deadlines Have to make sure a task gets completed by a certain date? Use event Deadlines! What are your deadlines – speedy trial, 180 Disposition, IAD (Interstate Agreement on Detainers), Extraditions.
Deadline Days Events – pause, resume, stop Court warning Reminder Who gets the reminder and when?
Email Events Need to notify someone that this event was generated? Send them an email. NOTE – this option will send the person an email with a hyperlink to case and the body of email will be the event code text.
Witness / Victim Flags Don’t want to see all the witnesses / victims on the “Prompt for Witnesses” screen when generating documents? Use the witness flags from the case to determine who appears in the list. Remember this flags are re-nameable in maintenance (options – general options). This option can only be used if users has the “Prompt for Victim/Witnesses” set. If you set one of these flags on an event ONLY people that have that flag set will be displayed when running event.
Refusal / Decline Reasons What’s a refusal/decline – why you would not proceed with a charge submitted from law enforcement.
Disposition Reasons How a charge is disposed and is the disposition a: Conviction Acquittal Nolle / Dismissal Should it auto populate Criminal History? Disposition Category – used for reporting. Gives you the ability to group multiple disposition reasons into one category. Example: pled guilty, pled guilty to lesser, pled guilty as charged, pled guilty to plea offer – category would be PLED GUILTY. Then you can run a report to get all charges that have dispositions within that category.
What else can Event Codes do? 1) Prompts a) Investigator Services b) Docket Notes c) Codefendants d) Expenses e) Criminal History f) Jury Instructions g) Charges Cancel All Future Court Dates Subpoena Generated Add to Subscription File Location & Destruction Change Case Category Case Stage Case Reporting Types Criminal or Civil Event Adult or Juvenile Event Investigator Services – used not only for investigators but support staff as well. Docket Notes – have a custom docket? You can insert docket notes that will appear on that docket. Codefendants – want this event to appear on all codefendants? Select this option. Expenses – gives you the ability to track expenses on your case. Expert Witnesses, Depos Criminal History – need to pull in the defendant’s criminal history into a document, use this to be able to select what you want Jury Instructions – gives you the ability to select which jury instruction you want to produce. This is helpful if you have a do supplemental instruction after you already submit your originals Charges – only want certain charges to appear in your document? Select this option
9717 Landmark Parkway Drive Suite 200 St. Louis, MO 63127 PROSECUTORbyKarpel Monday, November 12, 2018 Karpel Solutions 9717 Landmark Parkway Drive Suite 200 St. Louis, MO 63127 314-892-6300 info@karpel.com Senior Project Manager Laurie Duke lduke@karpel.com Confidential information