Alan Barr Claire Gwenlan Early SUSY discovery Alan Barr Claire Gwenlan How to best use early data poor knowledge of multi-jet backgrounds incomplete measurement of other backgrounds limited detector understanding We wont be able to find SUSY quickly in the “16 jets + 4 leptons” channel! UK SUSY/Exotics 29th February 2007
Robust topologies LSP q squark q _ q _ q (and similar) LSP BACKGROUND topology (QCD) SIGNAL topology
Small Njets + ET Select a small number of high PT jets Large signal cross-section Large control statistics Relatively well known SM backgrounds Relatively model independent Does not rely on leptonic cascades Does not rely on hadronic cascades Use kinematics rather than “busyness of event” to pick out SUSY
Selection Keep it simple Two jets ET (J1,2) > 150 GeV; |η1,2| < 2.5 Plot MT2 N.B. MT2 → 0 if: ET → 0 ET parallel to either jet Jet ET → 0 J.Phys.G29:2343-2363,2003, Phys.Lett.B463:99-103,1999 Characteristics of backgrounds
Sample discrimination 1 fb-1 ! Full sim CSC AODs
Requirements Need: Do not need: Some understanding of ET and energy scale Degree needs to be determined Some lepton ID Estimate Z→νν from Z→ μμ Some idea of ttbar background Do not need: B-tagging Detailed understanding of jet resolution tails Missing ET tails from multi-jets To know much about loss of energy in cracks etc
Summary & next steps Idea Next: Use simple topology for rapid discovery of light sparticles 2 jets + missing energy Kinematic plot of MT2 gives good discrimination Backgrounds under control Excellent prospects if SUSY is light Next: QCD background from Alpgen (rather than Pythia) Trigger Backgrounds from control regions
Samples CSC 11.0.x AODs (Full Simulation) SUSY (SU3): 5403 herwig (+jimmy) Jets (J1-J8): 5010->5017 pythia ttbar (no all-hadronic): 5200 MC@NLO (+jimmy) ttbar (only all-hadronic): 5204 MC@NLO (+jimmy) Zee : 5152 MC@NLO Zmumu: 5151 MC@NLO Wenu: 5100 herwig (+jimmy) More to add when R12 AODs available…