Y6 Parents’ Meeting 2018 Miss Bowman and Miss Manaton Aim: To tell you what you need to know about Y6.
Year six should be... Varied Memorable Fun Interesting Special Challenging Happy Creative
Before September Transfer meeting with Miss. Kirkpatrick Discuss medical info./friendships/ attainment/behaviour Shuffle-up morning – Thursday 28th June.
The teachers in Year 6 – who are we? Miss Manaton (5 days – all day Monday and Friday, mornings only Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) Miss Bowman (3 days – all day Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) Miss Bowman and Miss Manaton to share teaching of English and Maths. Tom Baker - PE (Mondays)
Expectations and equipment Pencil case – BLACK handwriting pen. Full PE kit and trainers Reading book and reading record Home learning folder (on specific days) Blue Hat to be kept at school
Class Routines Every day - Maths, English, Collective Worship and quiet reading time (15 minutes) Every afternoon – either: History/Geography/Science/RE/Art/D&T/ Computing/PE/Music/PSHCE/MFL Mondays and Friday – PE kit Library day – Wednesdays *A precise timetable will come home with the children in September.
Maths and English Following the new curriculum for Y6 Age-related expectations for Maths and English (no more levels!) More information is available on the school website Support will be given to those needing it in the form of booster groups or targeted individual sessions.
TOPICS Children during the wars Term 1 The Bath Blitz Term 2 Mexico Term 3 Diversity/Islam Term 4 Changes/Evolution Term 5 & 6 Topic webs are sent out with newsletters at the start of each long term.
Home learning Weekly home learning tasks given out and collected in the following week. The children will all be given a home learning folder – please ensure they use these. It will usually contain: Spellings A weekly Maths and English task Times tables Term 3, 4 & 5 - Revision guides At school - spelling and mental maths test each week There is also an expectation that children will read every day at home and to parents regularly.
Projects Usually related to the topic and will cover different subjects. It is much more open-ended and designed to allow the children choice and challenge in their learning at home. There will usually be one project per term and the children will have around 4 weeks to complete them.
Y6 Calendar Term 1- trip to Fleet Air Arm Museum (WWII)/ Literature festival. Term 2 - Christmas and possible Theatre visit (Youth Speaks Competition) Term 3 - SRE with the school nurse Dance Umbrella International week Term 4 - Booster Term 5 – SATs Term 6 – Isle of Wight Residential Life skills visit Wells Leavers’ Day Visits to secondary schools Year 6 show Throughout the year: Sports events Music festivals Blue Hat meetings
Isle of Wight Residential June 2019 5 days/4 nights away from home Visits to Dinosaur Isle Museum (Science), Alum Bay and The Needles, and Robin Hill. The children will also go fossil hunting, visit beaches and experience many more activities!
Any questions?