Transition Year at Hansfield ETSS
What is Transition Year? Transition Year is: A one year school-based programme between Junior and Senior Cycle Designed to aid as a bridge between the two A move towards a more independent self- directed learning experience An opportunity to embrace new experiences and new challenges
Aims of Transition Year To experience a broad curriculum of subject options To develop new skills To avail of new opportunities To experience the world of work To improve on areas of academic weakness To give time to mature To give time to think about the future and potential career options
Benefits to Transition Year Space provided to grow and mature Students have many opportunities to practice team work skills, research skills , IT skills, project skills. Students become more self-directed learners through the development of general, technical and academic skills. Students gain in maturity in relation to work and careers by developing work-related skills.
Benefits to Transition Year Opportunities to develop communication skills, self-confidence and a sense of responsibility. Social maturity developed with greater ‘people’ skills and more awareness of the world outside school. Sampling a wide range of subject areas students can make more informed choices about the kind of Leaving Certificate programme they may wish to follow at the end of the Transition Year. Broader range of skills and insights to deal more effectively with a Leaving Certificate programme and able to maximise their points.
Four Layers of a TY Programme “The Onion” Ongoing TY curriculum evaluation Subject departments, teachers, students, external partners Calendar layer Evaluation of musical, work experience TY specific/modular layer Evaluation of Social Skills programme, Young Social Innovator, Enterprise Subject sampling layer Evaluation of French, German, Art & Heritage Core subject layer Evaluation of RE and Maths
Structure of Transition Year programme in Hansfield ETSS Short Modules Once off calendar Events/Workshops Core Subjects Long Modules
Core Subjects at Hansfield ETSS English and Irish Ethical Education Maths European and Foreign Language(s) Wellbeing (PE & Lifeskills) Computer Skills (ICT)
Modules 2018/19 (13 week rotational) Tourism Music Humanities Art Science Pet Care Enterprise Technology Horticulture DIY Film Studies Communications Event Management Food Studies Chinese Studies Journalism
Year-long Modules Work Experience TY ACTIVITIES Physical Pursuits ICT
TY – Work Experience and Community Service Work Experience: One week placement - employers of choice (Student secures placement) Community Services: One week placement - local organisation e.g. Paired Reading Project/ Nursing home / Animal Shelters / Girl Guides Work Experience involves Daytime Business hours Work Experience is assessed via feedback calls and Diary – equivalent up to 50 credits of overall 600 credits for TY Student needs to write a Letter of Introduction – needs Insurance cover
Structure of Students’ Week Core subjects – 2/3 50min classes each week Work Experience – 2 Blocks of 1 week Modules – Short Taster Style Rotation basis 13 weeks e.g Horticulture / DIY e.g Food & Culinary Studies / Performing Arts Modules – Long Style 1 x 50min class a week e.g Humanities / Computers Occasional Workshops
Once-off calendar events Certified First Aid Course (Day long course) Don’t Be Mean Behind Your Screen – Online Bullying Talk Career Options talk – ITB speaker Manuela Programme (6 week programme on Consent) Visit from editor of Headstuff, Alan Bennett (Journalism) Visit from Tidy Towns Ongar Representative TY Coffee Morning TY Halloween Disco for First Years
Trips/Excursions 2017/18 Trip to Art Exhibition in Draoicht, Blanchardstown TY Expo in Naas Co. Kildare Overnight trip to Carlingford Film Studies trip to IFI German class trip to IFI Art class ‘Graffiti Tour’ in city centre Tourism class trip to Crowne Plaza Maynooth Campus Tour DCU Campus Tour Cinema Trip to see ‘Wonder’ in Blanchardstown Overnight trip to Glendalough for Gaisce Science Exhibition in RDS
Highlights of the year Carlingford Gaisce Chinese Studies Art Trip to city centre Pet Care Module
Pet Care
Chinese studies
What is Gaisce? Gaisce is a direct challenge from the President of Ireland to all young people between 15 and 25 years Gaisce is an opportunity for you to find your passion, get active and make a difference in your community! In 2016 over 20,000 young people took part in Gaisce Gaisce is not a competition: the only person you are in competition with is yourself! Everyone is unique and has different talents Gaisce allows you to set your own personal challenge and then try to achieve that goal When we present the Gaisce Awards there are no first, second, or third places All who achieve the required goals receive the same award Gaisce is open to all, regardless of ability.
Why do Gaisce? Challenge yourself and grow your confidence Meet people, make friends and share new experiences Develop your interests and discover new opportunities Add your Gaisce Award to your CV Have fun! Gaisce is a great way of developing your confidence and leadership skills The Gaisce programme is all about encouraging you to dream big and realise your potential 79% of Gaisce participants felt that Gaisce improved their skills Above all else, Gaisce is fun! Give it a try, and I don’t think you’ll regret it
3 Awards Minimum Age Minimum Time Commitment Bronze 15 years 26 Weeks Silver 16 years 52 weeks Gold 17 years 78 weeks
4 Sections Personal Skill Community Involvement Adventure Journey Physical Recreation
TY Assessment Credits for: Core Subjects Modules Long Modules Workshop reflections Work experience TY interview Portfolio of Achievement Pass, Merit or Distinction There is no state examination at the end of Transition Year. The different subjects will use a variety of assessment methods, including portfolio and project work, oral presentation, aural, oral, practical and written tests. At the end of Transition Year, students’ overall grade and certification will be based on a combination of their examination results, portfolio, research project and on-going assessment by their teachers. Students will be expected to display their portfolio, showcase their talents, celebrate their achievements and collect their certificates/awards at the end of Transition Year ( certificate folder will outline student’s attitude, work ethic and motivation) Certificates at Pass, Merit and Distinction level will be awarded to each student based on this assessment process.
Assessment Subject Credits 40% Attendance and Punctuality 10% Work Experience Portfolio of Achievement 30% Interview
TY Portfolio 10 portfolio pieces you have selected from class work (projects, presentations, artwork, essays etc.) 3 tour/trip evaluations 3 guest speaker evaluations 3 event evaluations (TY disco, Coffee morning etc) 3 module evaluations Work Experience Diary X 2 Photographic Diary An Gaisce – Log Sheet and evidence of personal skill completion
Awards Ceremony Distinction 80 - 100 Merit 60 - 80 Pass 40-60
Application & Selection Process Students will complete and submit an application form Each student will be interviewed by the TY panel (co- ordinator, Year Head, Deputy Principal and/or Principal) to assess their suitability for the programme Teachers’ views will be sought to see if T.Y. is suitable for applicants. Students discipline records will be considered very carefully A decision will be reached, parents and students will be informed by letter on whether they are accepted or not If more candidates apply than positions available, the decision on whom to accept will be decided by the Principal and TY co-ordinator. Parents and students may appeal a decision.
Approach required from Students What a student gets out of Transition Year depends hugely on the attitude or approach they take to the programme and what they put into it. “ You reap what you sow” Be open-minded Have a positive attitude Have-a –go Respect others