Chapter 5 Traffic: Policing in a Country on the Move 1-
Introduction Citizens feel it is their right to drive vehicles Citizens resent any limitations imposed on this “right” More officer time is spent on traffic patrol than on any other police activity Police traffic services (PTS) are divided into three major areas Traffic direction and control Traffic enforcement Crash investigation Learning Objective: What three functional areas police traffic services include. 1-
Traffic Direction and Control PLANNED ASSIGNMENT Requires great nonverbal skills High visibility The cruising problem Favorite pastime Prostitution Drive-by shootings © AP Images/Gregory Bull 1-
Traffic Enforcement A PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) Helps solve crimes Traffic violators and violations Seat belt laws Primary law states “Click It or Ticket” Cont. Learning Objective: What the basic purposes of traffic enforcement are. Learning Objective: Who is responsible for traffic enforcement. 1-
Traffic Enforcement A PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY Speeding Speeding in residential areas Traffic calming Curbing illegal street racing Using decoy patrols Speed enforcement technology Cont. Learning Objective: How the problem of speeding in residential areas can be addressed. 1-
Traffic Enforcement A PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY Red-light runners Tailgating Aggressive driving and road rage Rolling domestics Driving under the Influence Selective traffic enforcement Enforcement index Learning Objective: What the difference is between aggressive driving and road rage. 1-
The Traffic Stop EMOTIONAL ENCOUNTERS Officers have great discretion Automated citations E-ticket benefits Pretext or dual motive stop Racial profiling Discriminatory enforcement of the law © AP Images/EricAlbrecht 1-
Recognizing and Stopping Drivers “Under the Influence” DETERMINING SYMPTOMS Slow or excessive speeds Erratic starts and stops Weaving or drifting Failing to signal Problems making turns Repeated use of horn in traffic Cont. © AP Images/Darren Gibbins, Fargo Forum Newspaper Learning Objective: What the number-one problem of traffic enforcement is. 1-
Recognizing and Stopping Drivers “Under the Influence” DETERMINING SYMPTOMS Field and chemical tests for DUI Nystagmus Blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) Recognizing the driver under the influence of drugs Implied consent Videotaping drivers Cont. 1-
Recognizing and Stopping Drivers “Under the Influence” DETERMINING SYMPTOMS Strategies to deter DUI Education and awareness campaigns Sobriety checkpoints and saturation patrols Drug checkpoints Dealing with repeat drunk drivers Legal liability Learning Objective: What strategies are being used to deter DUI. 1-
Enforcement and Pursuit PREPARE FOR THE POSSIBILITY OF FLIGHT The suspect initiates a pursuit Foot pursuit Adrenaline Safety issues Vehicle pursuit Pursuit policies and data Liability issues Learning Objective: What balance must be maintained in an effective pursuit policy. Learning Objective: What issues should be addressed in a pursuit policy. 1-
Traffic Enforcement and Transportation of Hazardous Materials ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM Terminal audits Shipper and other audits Road enforcement Technical assistance and enforcement training Emergency response Learning Objective: What a hazardous materials enforcement program should include. 1-
Crash Management and Investigation LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN U.S. Crashes involving pedestrians Responding to a crash call Crash investigation and reconstruction Fake “accidents” Crash reports Legal liability Learning Objective: What the responsibilities of officers responding to a crash scene are. © AP Images/Chuck Liddy 1-
Traffic and Community Policing SERIOUS PROBLEM IN MANY COMMUNITIES Citizens want to see police on the street Safe Communities program Promote community-based solutions Address transportation safety Addresses all injuries Information and resources 1-
Traffic and Problem-Oriented Policing SARA MODEL Used to address high rate of fatal crashes Scanning Analysis Response Assessment 1-
An Area Traffic Officer (ATO) Program INNOVATIVE PROGRAM Identify and resolve traffic problems Single point of contact Increase monitoring of area of concern Build close-knit relationships Proactive long-term solutions Increasing reliable two-way communication 1-
Summary The two basic purposes of traffic enforcement are to control congestion and to reduce crashes Enforcement can also detect criminal activity Traffic enforcement is the responsibility of all officers Aggressive driving is a traffic violation; road rage is a criminal offense Dealing with motor vehicle crashes is another function of traffic services 1-