Patricia Munson, MPA GFM Spring 2017 Stereotypes and Barriers: Effects On C-suite Career Progression of African American Females: A Narrative Inquiry Patricia Munson, MPA GFM Spring 2017
Research purpose Specific problem Problem significance Stereotypes and Barriers: Effects On C-suite Career Progression of African American Females: A Narrative Inquiry Research purpose Specific problem Problem significance Research question Research purpose: Gain insight and understanding of the stereotypes and barriers affecting the African American females career progression to C-suites in corporate America. C-suites are the most senior in a company and prefixed with the letter “C” (CEO, CFO, etc.). Specific problem: African American women may encounter unique stereotypes, barriers, and the intersection of race and gender in this career path. a. United States Bureau of Labor Statistics for 2015: Caucasian women held 26.3% of chief executive jobs and African American females occupied 3% of these jobs (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2015). b. Workplace isolation because of the intersection of race and gender c: Greater expectations for African American women to succeed when compared to other females – specifically Caucasian women d. Perceptions of historical stereotypes (Mammy, Jezebel, and Sapphire) may contribute to the problem. 3. Problem significance: a. Significant social issue – assist companies in identifying norms and behaviors that undermine equity in the workplace. b. Promotes situations of exclusion, isolation, and differential treatment c. Missed competitive advantage by not considering the perspectives, intelligence, and creativity that African American females may bring to the workplace. 4. Research question: How do historical stereotypes and barriers impact career progression to the C-suite from the perspective of the African American female?
Historical progression Diversity and affirmative action initiatives Stereotypes and Barriers: Effects On C-suite Career Progression of African American Females: A Narrative Inquiry Historical progression Diversity and affirmative action initiatives Historical progression – 5 years (specific to Fortune 500 companies – graph explanation). Diversity/Affirmative Action: a. Diversity management involves the inclusion of people who are from different races or cultural groups. b. Despite diversity initiatives the underrepresentation of African American women in senior level positions requires an explanation. c. The glass ceiling is often a ‘glass cliff’ for African American women. d. African American women have made some gains because of affirmative action but most jobs are in middle management. e. Activation of stereotypes leads to negative evaluation of the individual where the perceiver may discount personal accomplishments. Statistics: Zweigenhaft, R. L. (2015). Retrieved from
Research methodology and design 1. Qualitative method Stereotypes and Barriers: Effects On C-suite Career Progression of African American Females: A Narrative Inquiry Research methodology and design 1. Qualitative method 2. Narrative inquiry design Qualitative method: Qualitative method is concerned with investigating individual situations in the natural environment using subjective data (Christensen, Johnson & Turner, 2010). Narrative inquiry design: The narrative inquiry design permits insights with authentic interpretations of the experiences and stories as told by the participants (Merriam, 2002). The qualitative method with a narrative inquiry design is optimal for understanding the obstacles and challenges that may be encountered by the African American female’s career aspirations to the C-suite.