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Presentation transcript:


Did you know that kites….. 11/12/2018 Did you know that kites….. Originated in China about 3000 years ago? Were outlawed during the 18th century because they distracted shoe keepers from their duties? Have been used to pull boats, carriages, sleds and ice skaters? Have led to major scientific discoveries? 11/12/2018 Kites Kites- Ms. Enright

Famous Discoveries with Kites In the 15th century, Leonardo da Vinci discovered how to use a kite to span a river This method was later used in the construction of one of the world’s first suspension bridges in Niagara Falls, New York Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity while flying a kite in 1752 11/12/2018 Kites

Avid kite flyers as children, Wilber and Orville Wright developed this love into the first successful airplane. In August of 1899, they built a biplane kite. 11/12/2018 Kites

Famous Discoveries with Kites Bell developed the first tetrahedral kite. In 1907 Bell’s kite flew for seven minutes and lofted a man 168 feet into the air. 11/12/2018 Kites

What is a kite? Kite Definition: A kite is an unpowered, heavier- than-air flying device held to the earth by a line. 11/12/2018 Kites

What are the different parts of a kite? 11/12/2018 Kites

11/12/2018 Kites

Different types of kites you can make 11/12/2018 Kites

11/12/2018 Kites

diamond delta box cellular Sky dancer 11/12/2018 Kites

stunt kite parafoil dragon birds fish 11/12/2018 Kites

Materials used to build kites Most kite sails are nylon, polyester, paper, or plastic. Most kite spars are wood, fiberglass, plastic, or carbon. The best kite materials are lightweight and strong. 11/12/2018 Kites

How does a kite fly? What forces are involved in flight? Lift  Gravity  Drag Tension In order for the kite to fly, the upward lift force must be able to overcome the downward force of gravity. 11/12/2018 Kites

What creates lift? Wind is made up of particles (atoms) which move from one direction to another. If the angle of the kite creates a difference in the airflow (moving atoms) over the top of the kite and the bottom of the kite a force known as "lift" is created 11/12/2018 Kites

What creates the LIFT force? Wind is split over the surface of the kite into two separate streams of air. the air flow above the kite is fast, causing the pressure to be low the air flow below the kite is slow, causing the pressure to be high The high pressure below the kite creates lift Fast air flow Kite Slow air flow This is known as Bernouilli’s Principle 11/12/2018 Kites

Lift and your Kite The amount of lift required to cause a kite to rise depends on the overall weight of the kite in comparison to the surface area of its sail(s). Lighter kites require less lift Kites with a large surface area can create more lift Conclusion: aim to make a light kite with a large surface area! 11/12/2018 Kites

Summary Wind : energy Airfoil: angle of kite causes splitting of air molecules (wind) over the surface of the kite Lift: lower air pressure on top than on bottom of kite Drag: friction resistance on the kite 11/12/2018 Kites

Kite Design An effective kite design includes balance and stability. The kite needs to be of equal weight on each side of it's center of balance it needs to be carefully constructed to ensure that one side is not heavier than the other. A longer tail will help to stabilize your kite by adding drag below the kite without adding too much weight. The tail will help keep the kite pointed into the wind. 11/12/2018 Kites

Kite flying movie http://www. grc. nasa Kite flying movie 12/airplane/kiteprog.html projects/project_ideas/Aero_p008.shtml Kite Modeler 11/12/2018 Kites