Put the in Drawing Conclusions! Part II CLUE Put the in Drawing Conclusions! Part II Created by Greg Gibson
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“Outta my way punk. ” blurted Leo “Outta my way punk!” blurted Leo. “Today is my day to monitor the halls” answered Bradley. “You’re supposed to stay in the cafeteria until 7:55.” “I don’t see any adults”, replied Leo, “so I’ll be staying right here. You gotta problem with that?” Can you tell where the people are? Underline the clues. Could this story really happen?
1. Information from the. story suggests that- A Bradley is a bully 1. Information from the story suggests that- A Bradley is a bully. B Leo is late for school. C Leo is a bully. D It’s the first day of school.
Kate was a very busy woman Kate was a very busy woman. When she wasn’t curing sick people at Baylor Hospital, she was at the gym working out. She loved to swim, but her favorite sport was kickboxing.
2. You can tell that Kate- A is a doctor. B plays many different sports. C isn’t married. D has no time in her life for health and fitness.
The aliens addressed the crowd of curious humans that had gathered around their spacecraft. “On our planet, Altairus, life is perfect. We never fight. Each day is warm and sunny and gentle breezes blow.” “Do you get cable T.V. on your world?” asked an old-timer.
The alien replied, “We have no need for T. V The alien replied, “We have no need for T.V. on Altairus, and we don’t miss it! Life on our planet is so perfect that no one ever gets bored or lonely.” “I don’t know about that,” the old man grumbled. “I can’t get through the afternoon without my daily dose of ‘Wheel of Fortune.’”
3. The reader can tell that- A the aliens were trying to 3. The reader can tell that- A the aliens were trying to convince the humans to return with them. B at first, the humans were afraid of the aliens. C the old-timer likes to watch T.V. D the aliens were trying to trick the humans.
Approximately 2800 years ago the kite was first invented and became popular in China. China had natural materials which were perfect for kite building: silk fabric for sail material, fine, high-tensile-strength silk for flying string, and bamboo for a strong, lightweight framework. The kite was said to be the invention of famous 5th century Chinese philosophers. By the year 549 paper kites were being flown. It is believed that in that year, a paper kite was used to send messages for a rescue mission.
4. From the passage, the reader can tell that- A the first kites were made of paper. B kites have been popular for a long time. C the first kite was used as a weapon of war. D the best materials for kites are natural.
Answer Key C A B