Pre Columbian America
People and Terms Mound Builders Desert Valley Dwellers Adena Hopewell Mississippian Desert Valley Dwellers Anasazi Hohokam Central American Mayan Incan Olmec Aztec
Adena 1000-200 BCE Considered to be the ancestor to many tribes near the Ohio River Valley Practiced Shamanism The Shaman has the ability to interact and manipulate the “spirit world” for enlightenment and guidance
Adena Mound
Hopewell More of a system of interaction extending from modern day Louisiana all the way to Ontario Intricate trade route
Hopewell Art
Hopewell Continued Hopewell is more of a group of people tribes rather than one civilization of people They interacted with the Adena A lot of sub cultures within one umbrella civilization
Extinction of the Hopewell Exchange Possible reasons? Why wouldn’t we know?
Mississippian Mound Builders 800 CE to 1600 CE
Mississippian Stretched their trade network to the Rocky Mountains, Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico and to the Atlantic ocean A lot is known about this culture Why don’t we teach this Culture in schools? The Kincaid Site
De Soto Conquered the Mississipian
Desert Dwelling Societies
Anasazi Dine for “The Ancient Ones” Ancestor of the Modern day Pueblo and Navajo 200-1300 CE Pottery Desert Farmers Settle in Fertile valleys near rivers
Where did they go? Again no one knows Notice the intricacies and the extensive rock carvings Slowly evolved and shrank into the modern day Pueblo Chaco Canyon
Hohokam Prehistoric much like the Anasazi 200-1400 CE Settled between Gila and Salt rivers Hohokam is said to be Pima for “those who have vanished”
Buildings As the civilization evolved, so evolved their building style Homes become more solid and permanent They start growing cotton Making Canal systems and Irrigation Pottery becomes more detailed
Eventually the Hohokam start building massive multi storied community houses Canals become more intense, more than 150 miles of canal systems Renovated and put back into use in the 20th century
Central and South American Tribes
Olmec 1500-400 BCE (Oldest of the Civilizations) Located in the lowlands of the Gulf of Mexico Jade artifacts are common Farmers and traders Not much is known about the Olmec disappearance
Jade Heads The most recognizable artifact is the Olmec heads Believed to be the heads of leaders
Inca 1438-1533 CE Largest of the Pre Columbian south American empires Capitol City of Cusco Conquered by the Spanish in 1572 Polytheistic Oral tradition
Inca Speak the language of Quechua, still around today Origin of 4 caves Conquered by Pizarro Very intricate and efficient road system Eradicated by disease before Spanish Conquistadors arrived
Machu Picchu
Mayan Seriously, there’s too much to follow on the Mayan. All you need to know is the calendar, they lasted the longest, and they are the only civilization with a fully functioning language
Mayan The coincidentally accurate calendar The only known fully developed writing system in the Pre Columbian American World
Maya 2000 BCE- 1697 CE
Aztec Definitely the most famous of the 4 Conquered by Cortez Bring human sacrifice to a whole other level Tenochtitlan
That’s a Wrap