(minutes past the hour) Baylor University Shuttle (BUS) After Hours Route Monday-Thursday 6:30 PM until 1:30 AM 2015-2016 After Hour Stops*: (minutes past the hour) First Half of Route: (10 minutes) Moody Library @ :00 :20, :40 (heading toward U. Parks) East Village @ :02, :22, :42 University Parks Apartments @ :06, :26, :46 Intramural Fields @ :08, :28, :48 (ends at midnight) Second Half of Route: (10 Minutes) Moody Library @ :10, :30, :50 (heading toward 8th street) East Village @ :12, :32, :52 8th Street/Allen Hall @ :16, :36, :56 8th Street/Collins Hall @ :17, :37, :57 Dutton Ave/Brooks Hall @ :18, :38, :58 3rd Street/Russell Hall @ :19, :39, :59 *students are encouraged to get to the stop early