Adjectives are used to describe the world in which we live. More Adjectives Adjectives are used to describe the world in which we live.
In today’s class, you will Take part in 3 activities In the first activity you will work in groups to identify objects using adjectives of touch. In the second activity, you will watch a short video and answer questions on a short worksheet In the third activity you will practice a Halloween dialog and perform the dialog in class
Review: Activity 1- What’s in the Bag? In the last class we talked about adjectives used to describe things. You used adjectives to describe colors, shapes, size, textures and materials. Our first activity will help you review what you practiced last class.
Activity 2: Halloween Sounds You will now watch the video Halloween Sounds You will need the Halloween Sounds Worksheet In the video, the sounds are described using present participle adjectives. What were the 10 adjectives used in the video? 1. __________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4._________ 5.__________ 6.___________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9._________ 10.___________ hissing slamming blowing howling creaking screaming cackling whispering cawing growling
Present Participle Adjectives Present participle adjectives are formed by adding ~ing to the stem of a verb. For example: disgust is a verb. If you add ~ing you get disgusting. What are the verbs of the 10 present participle adjectives used in the video? __________ 2._________ 3.___________ 4._________ 5.__________ 6.___________ 7.____________ 8._________ 9._________ 10.___________ hiss slam blow howl creak scream cackle whisper caw growl
Present Participles in the Present Progressive Present participles are also in sentences using the present progressive verb tense. (We studied present progressive last semester, remember?) It taste disgusting. == The taste is disgusting. A running boy. = A boy is running. On your worksheet, write 6 present progressive sentences. 1. a hissing cat 2. the blowing wind 3. a howling wolf 4. a creaking door 5. the whispering ghosts 6. the growling zombie
Present Participles in the Present Progressive 1. a hissing cat = 2. the blowing wind = 3. a howling wolf = 4. a creaking door = 5. the whispering ghosts = 6. the growling zombie = A cat is hissing. The wind is blowing. A wolf is howling. A door is creaking. The ghost are whispering. The zombie is growling.
What adjectives have you learned? Who can give me three adjectives that describe your appearance? Appearance Who can give me three adjectives that describe your personality? Personality Who can describe one item in your backpack? Objects Adjectives used to describe appearance. Adjectives used to describe personality. Adjectives used to describe objects. Adjectives used to describe sounds. Sounds What is this sound?
Activity 3: Dialog Work with a partner and practice the Halloween dialog. Practice at 4 times. Change rolls each time. Be prepared to perform the dialog in front of the class.
Just For Fun: Pair Work How many words can you make out of JACK-O’- LANTERN? J A C K-O’-L A N T E R N ___________ Birthday food. Winter wear. Army vehicle. An insect. A vegetable. The opposite of early. An animal with whiskers. A funny story. Put your back against something. Another word for rip. The past tense of eat. The past tense of run. A road for a train. Where you put a key. A wooden box. (c) 2003