How’s Your On-Time Delivery? Presented by Tris Hopkins – Carlisle Brake and Friction Alex Kim – 32 Soft Inc. October 10, 2017
“Anything that is measured and watched, improves.” overview “Anything that is measured and watched, improves.” ― Bob Parsons
Tris Hopkins 25 years experience, Progress programming 20 years experience, QAD MFG/Pro ERP system Expert, Progress DB Admin & Performance Tuning Competitive running and cycling
Alex Kim 32 Soft Founder (2001) QAD Consulting IT Management ERP Implementations (since 1994)
About Carlisle Headquartered in Solon, Ohio R&D Centers: • United States • Wales • China • Italy 11 Manufacturing facility locations: • United States • China • India • Italy • Japan • Wales Over 2,000 Employees worldwide 80+ Years of experience Quality Management/ISO Certificates
About Carlisle Multiple QAD ERP instances. 2009SE on-premise 2015EE (Italy) on-cloud
opportunity Improve customer relationships Assure company sustainability Increase company profitability
Getting started Identify ultimate goal Establish baseline Define ideal method/tool for tracking Measure Analyze Improve
Next steps Find business partner Set goals Scope work Receive mockup
Dashboard components QAD ERP Cache Table
Data loader (excel-based)
Process Present proposed solution for approval Delineate tool usage How used? By whom?
Up and running PO cut; worked in solution (3 weeks) Testing and adjustments (2 weeks) Go Live! Usage (6 weeks) Phase II requests submitted and added
Results Current state measured and understood Trends emerged Critical drivers identified Deeper analysis afforded Decision support enhanced Corrective actions addressed promptly On-time rates improved
carlisle Results Action and inaction effects known Perception is measurable Carlisle is on-track!
Final dashboard notes Flexible design Accommodating structure Adaptable for other KPIs Supplier Performance Operational Efficiency Production Downtime
Why 32 soft? Proof of concept QAD expertise Real scenarios QAD user validation Client inclusion in development QAD expertise Breadth and Depth Consulting, Management, User Plethora company sizes, industries & geographical locations
More reasons why! Catalyst for operational efficiency Case Study? 100 unique offerings 100% Money back guarantee ROI within first 6 months
Questions? Q A
Homework Challenge Take a good look Identify opportunities Determine options