Planning for Academic Program Review Site Visits
Introduction o Purpose of this meeting: Help academic units under review this year to plan for their site visit o Outline for today: Planning your site visit Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) role Review process timeline
Purpose of Program Reviews o Primary: to evaluate academic excellence o Emphasis on future-oriented strategic planning rather than retrospective accounting o Allows units to plan for the future o Compliance with University mandate o UW institutional accreditation
The Program Review Process o Notification and initiation of review o Schedule site visit o Appoint review committee o Charge meeting o Self-Study* and site visit agenda o Site visit o GPSS report (2-3 weeks) + o Review committee report* (within 4 weeks) o Academic units response* (within 4 weeks) o Graduate School Council review o Graduate School Deans letter to Dean / Chancellor / Vice Chancellor* *Published on Provosts website upon completion of the review, password protected +GPSS process is independent from the Universitys
The Site Visit o Includes meetings of review committee with faculty, students, key staff, and other constituents (e.g. advisory council, alumni); as well as time for the review committee to organize for writing the report o Concludes with an exit discussion between review committee, Chair/Director, administrators (Dean, Associate/Divisional Deans, Chancellor/Vice Chancellor, Undergraduate Academic Affairs, etc.), Graduate School Associate Dean, representatives from the Graduate School Council, and the Provosts Office. o Length of site visit varies by type of unit: 2 days for a school/college/department; 1 -1 ½ days for smaller programs, individual degree programs, or graduate certificates
Site Visit Agenda 1.Unit develops draft site visit agenda and submits with self-study for consideration by AAP and review committee (Sept. 1, Nov. 1, Feb. 1) 2.After incorporating feedback from AAP and review committee, the unit schedules individuals/groups for interviews. Academic Affairs and Planning can assist in scheduling individuals outside of unit 3.Site visit agenda is finalized at least two weeks before site visit 4.Review committee may send invitation letters to interviewees (3-4 weeks before site visit). Letters describe purpose and process of review
Sample Site Visit Agenda o Evening before Site Visit Review committee working dinner o Day 1 Morning: Dean/Associate Dean; Chair/Director; faculty by rank, program areas or Executive Committee Group meetings with undergraduate students Unit committees and/or advisory council Group meetings with graduate students (attended by GPSS representative); Review committee working dinner
Sample Site Visit Agenda (cont) o Day 2 Meeting with academic unit staff members Additional faculty/student meetings as needed Lunch: Review committee executive session Review committee planning session for exit discussion and written report Exit discussion (divided into two sessions): Graduate School Associate Dean; Chair/Director; administrators (Dean, Associate/Divisional Dean/Chancellor/Vice Chancellor); representatives of GS Council, Provosts Office Executive session without unit representative(s) Debriefing for review committee members (1/2 hour)
The Site Visit o The Graduate School Office of Academic Affairs and Planning (AAP) pays all review-related expenses o AAP organizes catering and meals, and provides beverages and snacks for the committee throughout the site visit o All documents available on the program review website (Catalyst site managed by AAP)
Academic Unit Responsibilities o Secure appropriate venue(s) for entire length of site visit and share info with AAP at least one month prior to site visit o Provide additional program information to the review committee, as requested o Provide GPSS with graduate student contact information ( list) o Prepare and clean-up site visit venue(s) o Designate a staff liaison on call during site visit
Role of Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) in Review Process o Prior to site visit: GPSS conducts survey of graduate students in the unit at least one month before the site visit and encourages attendance at site visit student meeting* GPSS distributes survey results (1 week before site visit) o During site visit: GPSS representative may participate in graduate student meeting with review committee Review committee may arrange additional meetings with other groupings of students, as needed o GPSS will issue final report 2-3 weeks after site visit; distributed with Review Committee Report to: Review committee, administrators, academic unit, etc. *GPSS participation is independent of the Graduate School process
Example of Review Timeline o Site Visit Winter Quarter, 2014 o GPSS Report (2-3 weeks) Spring Quarter, 2014 o Review Committee Report (4 weeks) Spring Quarter, 2014 o Academic Units Response (4 weeks) Spring Quarter, 2014 o Graduate School Council Review Autumn Quarter, 2014 (next academic year)
If you need help… o Contacts in the Office of Academic Affairs & Planning: Rebecca Aanerud, Associate Dean Augustine McCaffery, Senior Academic Program Specialist David Canfield-Budde, Academic Program Specialist Lillian Gaya, Assistant to the Deans