Carminatives & GI regulators Clove
Objectives On the completion of this lesson you would be able to know : The monograph of Clove
Known to Unknown Can you identify the photograph ? Can you tell Trade name of Tooth paste Which Contains Clove oil ? What is its use in the tooth paste ? Fig.26.1
Clove Synonym : Clove bud, Clove flower Caryophyllum, Laung Biological Source : Dried flower buds of Eugenia caryophyllus Family : Myrtaceae Fig.26.2
Clove Geographical Source: Molucca islands Zanzibar Madagascar West Indies Sri Lanka India Fig.26.3
Kottayam and Quilon districts of Kerala Clove Geographical Source : In India Nilgiris, Tenkasi hills and Kanyakimari district of Tamil Nadu Kottayam and Quilon districts of Kerala
Clove Organoleptic characters: Colour : Crimson to dark brown Odour : Slightly aromatic Taste : Pungent and aromatic followed by numbness Size : 17.5mm in length, 4mm in width and 2mm thick Fig.26.4
Clove Organoleptic Characters: Shape : Hypanthium is Sub-cylindrical, slightly flattened and tapering below Crown consists of Calyx, Stamens and Style Fig.26.5
Clove Chemical Constituents : 16 to 21% Volatile oil 10 to 13% Tannins (gallotannic acid) Resin, Chrome and Eugenin
Clove Chemical Constituents : Volatile oil contains : Eugenol (about 70 to 90%) Eugenol acetate Methylamylketone Caryophyllenes Esters and alcohols
Clove Chemical tests : 1. Thick section hypanthium of Clove + 50% Strong solution of Potasium hydroxide Needle shaped crystals(Pot. eugenate) observed
Clove Chemical Tests : 2. 1drop of Clove oil + 5ml Alcohol + Ferric Chloride solution Blue colour
Clove Chemical Tests : 3. Prepare decoction of Clove and add Ferric chloride solution. Bluish-black colour (because of Tannins)
Clove Chemical Tests : 4. Place a drop of Chloroform extract of Clove or Clove oil on a slide + 30% aqueous solution of Sodium hydroxide saturate with sod. bromide Needle and pear shaped crystals of Sodium eugenate
Clove Uses : Carminative Dental analgesic Flavouring agent Stimulant Aromatic and Antiseptic In the manufacture of Vanillin
Clove Adulterants : Storage : In air-tight containers in cool Mother cloves Blown cloves Clove Stalks Exhausted Cloves Storage : In air-tight containers in cool and dry places
Summary In this class we learnt about : The monograph Clove Eugenia caryophyllus Belongs to the Family Myrtaceae Contains Volatile oil as main chemical constituents Used as Carminative, Dental analgesic and Spice.
Quiz Clove belongs to the family a. Zingiberaceae b. Leguminosae c. Myrtaceae d. Umbelliferae
Quiz a. Anti-pyretic 2. Clove is used as b. Dental analgesic c. Anti-diabetic d. Anti-viral
Quiz Clove contains a. Alkaloids b. Glycosides c. Volatile oil d. Saponins
Frequently Asked Questions 1. Give one example for Carminative and mention the Biological Source, Active constituents and Uses of one drug. 2. State the Biological Source, Family, Morphology and Uses of Clove.