City of Forest Lake MS4 Program Program Year 2017 Annual Meeting Tim Olson, PE, CFM Water Resources Project Manager Bolton & Menk, Inc. Dave Adams Public Works Superintendent City of Forest Lake
Annual Meeting Schedule Forest Lake’s MS4 Background Current Progress of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Significant Accomplishments Future Work Open Conversation
MS4 Background “Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System” Clean Water Act (1972) MPCA Initiated MS4 Permit in 2002 Forest Lake MS4 since 2007 Current Permit: August 1, 2013 and ends in 2018 Permit gives “authorization to discharge stormwater” Environmental protection using: Regulatory mechanisms Education/outreach Implementation
Strong Partnerships Clear Lake Association Forest Lake Association
MS4 Annual Report Submitted on May 24th, 2018. Total Maximum Daily Load Spreadsheet updated. Approved June 12th, 2018.
Minimum Control Measures (MCM) Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) includes: Public education and outreach Public participation Eliminate illicit discharges to the storm sewer Construction-site runoff controls Post-construction runoff controls Pollution prevention and municipal “good housekeeping”
Public Outreach and Education Partnership with Washington County, Washington Conservation District, Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District, Rice Creek Watershed District. East Metro Water Resource Education Program (EMWREP) Landscaping Workshops Rain Garden Maintenance Workshops AIS Identification Workshops Professional Training for Business and Local Gov. Materials and Resources
Significant Accomplishments Forest Lake High School Stormwater Reuse Project BWSR Clean Water Fund Grant – 2017 Final Design and Bids Awarded Construction to Begin Soon! Education/Curriculum with High School Teachers Shields Lake Stormwater Harvest, Irrigation Reuse System, and Alum Treatment Construction Fall 2018.
Significant Accomplishments Forest Lake Enhanced Street Sweeping Plan Accelerated Implementation Grant – Enhanced Street Sweeping Plan BWSR Clean Water Fund Grant – 2017 Purchase Sweeper in Early Summer 2018 Hilo Lane Stormwater Retrofit Project Finalized IESF Diagnostic and Monitoring Work Ordinance Updates
Forest Lake High School Stormwater Reuse Project 2016 BWSR Clean Water Grant Awarded: $505,000 Total Grant: $631,250 Ranked 5th Overall Educational Curriculum Lessons related to the project Potential connection to all subjects Irrigation Area = 8.0 to 14.0 acres Total Phosphorus Reduction = 19.5 lbs/year Potable Water Reduction = 4.1 million gallons/year
Forest Lake High School Stormwater Reuse Project Goodview Ave Hwy 97 (Scandia Tr) 201th St N Hwy 61 (Forest Blvd)
Shields Lake Stormwater Harvest, Irrigation Reuse System, and Alum Treatment Project components: Stormwater harvest pond Golf course irrigation reuse system (Forest Hills Golf Course) Whole-lake alum treatment Reduce phosphorus loads enough to achieve water quality goal for Shields Lake Reduce loads to Forest Lake middle basin by up to 205 lbs/yr Project budget = ~$1M Clean Water Fund grant = $824,000
Forest Lake Enhanced Street Sweeping Plan Create plan to maximize cost effectiveness and optimize phosphorus removal Road-specific street sweeping timing & frequency Quantify load reductions Itemize costs & recommend funding options Project budget = $41,000 Clean Water Fund Grant = $36,000
Forest Lake Wetland Treatment Basin Project (a. k. a Forest Lake Wetland Treatment Basin Project (a.k.a. 3rd Lake Pond Project) Restoration of degraded wetland Nutrient-rich sediment excavation Native vegetation restoration Protection of existing and incorporation of new native buffers around basin Removal of 56 lbs/yr of phosphorus Project budget = $202,500 Clean Water Fund grant = $162,000
Future Work Continue implementation of SWPPP Public outreach opportunities NEMO Workshop Planning Tour, Dinner, Conversation Stormwater pond inspections Field analysis nearly complete. Prioritize pond maintenance. Clear Lake Subwatershed Assessment
Future Work Castlewood Golf Course Dead end street projects Rain garden restorations Level spreaders Rock filter berm Iron-enhanced sand filter
Questions/Open Discussion