The Water Cycle Bell Ringer: Name 2 biotic and 2 abiotic factors you would find on a coral reef.
Water Water is one of the most important abiotic factors in an ecosystem ¾ of the Earth’s surface is covered in water. Most of that water is found in oceans. All living things need water to survive
Water Water is a molecule made from Hydrogen and Oxygen It is constantly recycled in our world. The same amount of water that was here millions of years ago is still here today.
Water Cycle Water is recycled over and over again through the water cycle. Processes like precipitation, evaporation and condensation move water through different phases.
Water Scarcity Turn in any water cycle papers to the box. How much of the Earth’s water do you think is usable for humans? (Tell me in percentage)
How Much Water? Though there is a fixed amount of water on earth, not everyone has equal access to it. Most of Earth’s water is not potable (drinkable).
Water Every organism needs clean drinking water. What happens when we don’t have clean drinking water? Water scarcity happens when there is a lack of water, either because there is none or people cannot afford it.
Water Trivia What percent of the Earth’s water is available for people to use? What percent of people lack clean drinking water in the world? What percent of his/ her income does the average American spend on water? What percent his/ her income does the average Honduran spend on water?
Water Trivia How many gallons of water does the average American use a day? How many gallons are needed to sustain a person 1 day (including water needed to grow food)? Approximately how many people die each year from water-related illness?
Water Scarcity What effects does water scarcity have on people?
Water Scarcity Read each county profile with your group. Find the following information to share with the class: Country name Reason(s) for water scarcity Effects lack of water is having on the people Possible solution(s) Your group’s ranking of the severity of the problem (on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not a big deal, 10 being a huge crisis)
Water Videos
Water Bell Ringer: What do you think of the following quote: “Water is tomorrow’s oil” (Boutros Boutros Ghali) Homework Eco-Journal: Observe a outdoor source of water (like a pond, a puddle or even a birdbath). How long do you think that water has been there? Where did it come from? Where will it go next? Evaluate how clean you think the water is. Is there anything living in it? Would you drink it?
Water Filtration Design Challenge As a group, design and build a water filter in 20 minutes. May the best filter win!
Water Inventory Complete the water inventory and highlight/ star the three places you think you can save water.
Eco-Journal Observe a outdoor source of water (like a pond, a puddle or even a birdbath). How long do you think that water has been there? Where did it come from? Where will it go next? Evaluate how clean you think the water is. Is there anything living in it? Would you drink it?