Word of the Day: PLOT plot (n)—the plan, scheme, or main story of a literary or dramatic work, as a play, novel, or short story; storyline The plot of Disney’s “The Lion King” revolves around Simba and his struggles to deal with his father’s death and regain the throne at his home of Pride Rock.
Plot Diagram! Climax Rising Action Falling Action Resolution Inciting Incident Exposition
Plot Terms EXPOSITION start of the story provides background information—setting, characters, general mood. INCITING INCIDENT event or incident that begins a story’s main conflict
Plot Terms RISING ACTION conflict begins to develop builds interest and suspense CLIMAX turning point of the story main character faces main conflict; often changes in some way
Plot Terms FALLING ACTION main character tries to resolve conflict/problem loose ends begin to be tied up RESOLUTION story comes to reasonable ending main character may have solved conflict, has grown or changed, or has learned life lesson