Booster Hose Reel Location/Operations
Booster Hose Reel In this training module we will look at the following piece of Deck Machinery: Booster Hose Reel We will also take a look at how this unit operates, the location of it’s HPU (where applicable), and other information important to know about this piece of equipment.
Booster Reel
Booster Reel Located at the upper Starboard side of the Garage Door opening. 300’ of 1” Rubber Coated Hose Line with an adjustable brass nozzle. Maximum Pressure 250 psi. Foam capable (NOVACOOL) 0.4%. Remember the proportion-ing valve must be manually opened in the aft hold. Supplied by the White Fire System. C-12 Cat. (Pump 7) Pneumatic rewind with a safety stall. Cable controlled rewind valve near Bulkhead. Best as a two man operation. Isolation Valve near the reel on the main piping.
Booster Reel Air Motor White System-Foam Capable Isolation Valve
Booster Reel Rewind Control Valve and Cable