The future of the LMAs from the Commission's perspective Valeriya Angelova, Eurostat Unit E4 LMAs project final meeting, 28 June 2017, Luxembourg
Content Achievements and conclusions of the 2016/2017 grant programme Topics for the future 2.1 Targeting increase of the coverage and quality improvements 2.2 Addressing policy needs How do you see the future?
Achievements and conclusions of the 2016/2017 grant programme (1/5) Key words: harmonisation, full European coverage, transparency The method is very sensitive to the quality of the input data We are able now to assess the quality of the output
Achievements and conclusions of the 2016/2017 grant programme (2/5) The R package LabourMarketAreas v. 3.0 significantly improved and freely available on Cran The feasibility of the common method including for production of cross-border LMAs by ignoring the national borders has been proved Experimental Labour Market data on LMAs has been produced and communicated
Achievements and conclusions of the 2016/2017 grant programme (3/5) Guidelines on the whole process of LMAs design and production are publicly available to foster harmonisation The harmonisation does not consist in the use of the same set of parameters or the same measure for recalculation of the commuting matrix (SMART vs CURDS) but in the use of a common method and definition
Achievements and conclusions of the 2016/2017 grant programme (4/5) Based on the experience so far and the expanded network of 'LMAs' countries, the next step is to propose the use of the method to all MSs Policy-makers see the LMAs concept as broadly applicable Further communication of the concept is needed
Achievements and conclusions of the 2016/2017 grant programme (5/5) All stakeholders identified the need to populate a LMAs' database with limited set of socio-economic indicators The conclusion of the final Workshop in Rome was: from operational point of view the main objective for the future is to continue trying to produce data
Topics for the future (targeting increase of the coverage and quality improvements) Trainings on R package designed for countries outside the stable group using LMAs Testing of SAE and Big data for production of statistics at LMAs based on social surveys Countries' partnerships for cross-border LMAs Use of LMAs to optimise the samples of the social surveys => more effective production of official statistics
An innovative way to study LMAs Statistics Belgium and Eurostat have worked with a Belgian telecommunications network operator to investigate the use of mobile phone data. Based on the use of the mobile phones at different time of the weekday by grid cells, each area was classified into one of three zones: residential where the number of connections was above average at night and below average during the day; work where the reverse situation was observed; commuting where there were two peaks (around 7.30 a.m. and 6 p.m.). Most of the country is made up of residential zones interspersed with a few working zones and commuting zones usually bridging these two.
Topics for the future (addressing policy needs) Definition of Urban-rural LMAs The Urban-rural partnership Study of small and medium sized urban areas Major economic conurbations (requested by ESPON)
Topics for the future (addressing policy needs) Definition of alternative LMAs Discover commuting patterns (requested by MOVE) LMAs by bus LMAs by car
Topics for the future (addressing policy needs) Other alternative LMAs education mobility and skill mismatches (requested by EMPL) High qualification Low qualification
Topics for the future (addressing policy needs) Over-bounded and under-bounded LMAs way to improve sub-national employment and GDP data distorted by administrative boundaries (requested by REGIO) potential of functional areas vs administrative willingness/tools to cooperate (requested by ESPON) Industrial districts based on LMAs maritime industrial districts (requested by MARE) Over-bounded LMAs are much larger than the NUTS 3/metropolitan region; under-bounded LMAs are much smaller
Topics for the future (addressing policy needs) Housing, labour markets and employment DG EMPL is interested in analysis of the LMAs as Housing Market Areas
? ? Outline of a future strategy for LMAs October 2017 Summer 2017 Analysis of the project results and further consultation with relevant DGs Consultation with the WG ? ? October 2017 Summer 2017
How do you see the way forward for LMAs at national and at EU level?
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