Regional Labour Market Item 2.2 of the agenda Daniela Sciranková Eurostat Unit E4 WG on Regional, Urban and Rural Development statistics – October 2017
Regional labour market statistics LFS NUTS 2 data dissemination Annual NUTS 3 data collection Labour market aggregates by typologies
NUTS 2 data dissemination Annual EU-LFS NUTS 2 data published on 27 April 2017 News Release on Unemployment in the EU regions Unemployment rates fell in 8 out of 10 EU regions High media interest in regional unemployment figures Main highlight: "Unemployment rates fell in 8 out of 10 EU regions"
Eurostat in media 564 mentions 496 on 45 on News 18 on blogs
Eurostat on Twitter In 2017: 3 comments, 248 retweets and 112 likes In 2016: 1 comment, 134 retweets and 51 likes
Annual NUTS 3 data collection Request for: Employed persons Working age population Unemployed persons Economically active population Population aged 25-64 by educational attainment level
NUTS 3 data collection 18 countries allow use of aggregations based on LFS microdata IE and AT provide unemployment data to E4 to complement the NUTS 3 micro data ES, FR, HR, PL, RO and SI provide tabulated data PT send data already aggregated by typologies and tabulated data on population DE send data already aggregated by typologies Note: LU and CY are a single NUTS 3 region (NUTS 3 = NUTS 0)
Transmission of 2016 NUTS 3 data Data received from 25 out of the relevant 26 MS MS in orange: aggregated data based on LFS micro data (+ tabulated data on unemployment sent to unit E4 to complement micro data aggregations) MS in blue: tabulated data and data aggregated by typology sent to unit E4 Transmission of 2016 NUTS 3 data – State of play
Unemployment NUTS3 data for the age class Y15-74 Currently: unemployment NUTS 3 data (unemployed persons and active population) for four age classes: Y15-24, Y_GE15, Y20-64 and Y_GE25. Next NUTS 3 data collection request: include unemployment data also for Y15-74 The Member States that transmit tabulated NUTS 3 data to Eurostat unit E4 will be asked in the next data collection request to provide us with the unemployment data also for the age class Y15-74.
Update of the labour market data by typologies 2016 data for Metropolitan regions datasets published in September Coming soon: Datasets by Coastal regions and Urban-Rural typology will be available together with 3 new typologies: Mountain regions, Island regions and Border regions in a single dataset per indicator Available in folder: Labour market datasets by other typologies
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