F-16 RLCRS Program Update Rik Crowther Senior Engineer OO-ALC/EN SME: Rik Crowther DSN:586-5361 DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release: Distribution Unlimited. HAFB ref# 13-03-11_AMXG_041 Built Right...Ready to Fight
Overview Plastic Media Blast RLCRS process data Benefits and issues Planned Improvements Future Implementations
Built Right...Ready to Fight PMB Process 2000 lbs. of haz. waste per AC Multiple operators in PPE 10-14 Flow days 500+ man hrs. (prep, blast, de-prep, pre & sand for paint) Reduces fatigue life of OML skins Built Right...Ready to Fight
RLCRS 10-12 lbs. of waste 40-50% man hrs. reduction 30% reduction in flow days Removes worker from PMB environment No impact to Airworthiness
Built Right...Ready to Fight Process Data Summary Built Right...Ready to Fight
RLCRS Average Process Hours RLCRS prep & operations: 139 hours RLCRS flow time: 67 hours RLCRS flow days w/2 shifts: 4 Sanding: 138 hours Total Process: 278 hours Total Process flow: 7 days
RLCRS vs. PMB Reductions: Total Process hrs: 200-300 Flow days: 2-4 Hazardous Waste: 2000 lbs.
The “Not So Great” Reductions: Increase in sanding hours 40-80 additional hours of sanding Mostly bottom of AC Stress/Strain complaints from AC painters Increase exposure to sanding dust
Built Right...Ready to Fight RLCRS Improvements EZP building RLCRS for Testing: Optimization for multiple AC Variable coating stack ups Dem/val future system upgrades Planned Upgrades for RLCRS: Reduce robot time 15-20% (30-50 hrs) Evaluating robotic assist sanding technologies Evaluating improved vacuum systems for sanding equipment Built Right...Ready to Fight
Built Right...Ready to Fight RLCRS Future Systems Repurpose C-130 system for increased F-16 workload at OO-ALC (F-35, F-22, A-10, Off air frame components) B-1 program AMARG program Built Right...Ready to Fight
Built Right...Ready to Fight Questions? Built Right...Ready to Fight
RLCRS De-painted AC
RLCRS De-painted AC
RLCRS De-painted AC