Use your mini whiteboards to share your answers… Purple Pen of Progress Questions 1) Expand (x + 5) (x + 7) x2 + 12x + 35 2) Expand (x - 6) (x - 3) x2 - 9x + 18 3) Expand (4x - 2) (5x - 8) 20x2 - 42x + 16 Use your mini whiteboards to share your answers…
What does success look like in this lesson? Learning Objective: Can I expand double brackets? (Level 7) What does success look like in this lesson? Pupils MUST be able to expand double brackets that involve only positive terms. Pupils SHOULD be able to expand double brackets that involve negative terms. Pupils COULD be able to expand double brackets where the co-efficient of the variable is greater than 1.
Connect Four Instructions: 1) Take it in turns to choose a question. 2) You cannot choose a box where the one below has not been shaded. 3) You should BOTH complete that question in your book. 4) If you agree, then the person who chose that question can shade that box in and initial it. 5) If you disagree, work together to peer assess each others’ work and find the correct answer. 6) The winner is to the first to initial four boxes in a row. They can go horizontally, vertically or diagonally. 1s: Game One 2s: Game Two 3s: Game Three
Expanding Double Brackets (Level 7) Game One CONNECT FOUR Expanding Double Brackets (Level 7) Game One (x+13) (x+13) (x-14)(x+21) (x+20)(x-10) (x-16)(x+18) (x+9)(x+17) (x+7)(x+17) (x-7)(x+19) (x+16) (x-13) (x-12)(x+14) (x-8)(x+13) (x+12)(x+12) (x-3)(x+11) (x+7)(x+17) (x-2)(x+19) (x+18) (x+3) (x+1)(x+19) (x+16)(x+5) (x+10)(x+10) (x+6)(x+13) (x+11)(x+12) (x-4)(x+18) (x+3) (x+15) (x+5)(x+2) (x+8)(x-1) (x+3)(x+16) (x-9)(x+10) (x+5)(x+13) (x+11)(x+7) (x+4) (x+1) (x+1)(x+1) (x+8)(x+8) (x+3)(x+11) (x+9)(x+2) (x+7)(x+9) (x+2)(x+14) (x+1) (x+2) (x+4)(x+3) (x+6)(x+2) (x+2)(x+7) (x+5)(x+5) (x+3)(x+9) (x+6)(x+7)
Expanding Double Brackets (Level 7) Game One CONNECT FOUR Expanding Double Brackets (Level 7) Game One x2 + 26x +169 x2 + 7x + 294 x2 + 10x - 200 x2 + 2x - 288 x2 + 28x + 153 x2 + 24x + 119 x2 + 12x - 133 (x+13) (x+13) (x-14)(x+21) (x+20)(x-10) (x-16)(x+18) (x+9)(x+17) (x+7)(x+17) (x-7)(x+19) x2 + 3x - 208 x2 + 2x - 168 x2 + 5x - 104 x2 + 24x + 144 x2 + 8x - 33 x2 + 24x + 119 x2 + 17x - 38 (x+16) (x-13) (x-12)(x+14) (x-8)(x+13) (x+12)(x+12) (x-3)(x+11) (x+7)(x+17) (x-2)(x+19) x2 + 21x + 54 x2 + 20x + 19 x2 + 21x + 80 x2 + 20x + 100 x2 + 19x + 78 x2 + 23x + 132 x2 + 14x - 72 (x+18) (x+3) (x+1)(x+19) (x+16)(x+5) (x+10)(x+10) (x+6)(x+13) (x+11)(x+12) (x-4)(x+18) x2 + 18x + 45 x2 + 7x + 10 x2 + 7x - 8 x2 + 19x + 48 x2 + x - 90 x2 + 18x + 65 x2 + 18x + 77 (x+3) (x+15) (x+5)(x+2) (x+8)(x-1) (x+3)(x+16) (x-9)(x+10) (x+5)(x+13) (x+11)(x+7) x2 + 5x + 4 x2 + 2x + 1 x2 + 16x + 64 x2 + 14x + 33 x2 + 11x + 18 x2 + 16x + 63 x2 + 16x + 28 (x+4) (x+1) (x+1)(x+1) (x+8)(x+8) (x+3)(x+11) (x+9)(x+2) (x+7)(x+9) (x+2)(x+14) x2 + 3x + 2 x2 + 7x + 12 x2 + 8x + 12 x2 + 9x + 14 x2 + 10x + 25 x2 + 12x + 27 x2 + 13x + 42 (x+1) (x+2) (x+4)(x+3) (x+6)(x+2) (x+2)(x+7) (x+5)(x+5) (x+3)(x+9) (x+6)(x+7)
Expanding Double Brackets (Level 7) Game Two CONNECT FOUR Expanding Double Brackets (Level 7) Game Two (x-13) (x-13) (x-14)(x-21) (x-20)(x-10) (x-16)(x-18) (x-9)(x-17) (x-7)(x-17) (x-7)(x-19) (x-16) (x-13) (x-12)(x-14) (x-8)(x-13) (x-12)(x-12) (x-3)(x-11) (x-7)(x-17) (x-2)(x-19) (x-18) (x-3) (x-1)(x-19) (x-16)(x-5) (x-10)(x-10) (x-6)(x-13) (x-11)(x-12) (x-4)(x-18) (x-3) (x-15) (x-5)(x-2) (x-8)(x-1) (x-3)(x-16) (x-9)(x-10) (x-5)(x+13) (x-11)(x-7) (x+4) (x-1) (x+1)(x+1) (x+8)(x-8) (x-3)(x+11) (x+9)(x-2) (x-7)(x+9) (x-2)(x+14) (x-1) (x+2) (x+4)(x-3) (x+6)(x+2) (x+2)(x+7) (x+5)(x+5) (x-3)(x+9) (x-6)(x+7)
Expanding Double Brackets (Level 7) Game Two CONNECT FOUR Expanding Double Brackets (Level 7) Game Two x2 - 26x +169 x2 -35x +294 x2 - 30x +200 x2 -34x +288 x2 -26x +153 x2 - 24x +119 x2 -26x + 133 (x-13) (x-13) (x-14)(x-21) (x-20)(x-10) (x-16)(x-18) (x-9)(x-17) (x-7)(x-17) (x-7)(x-19) x2 - 29x + 208 x2 - 26x +168 x2 -21x +104 x2 - 24x +144 x2 - 14x +33 x2 - 24x + 119 x2 + 21x + 38 (x-16) (x-13) (x-12)(x-14) (x-8)(x-13) (x-12)(x-12) (x-3)(x-11) (x-7)(x-17) (x-2)(x-19) x2 - 21x + 54 x2 - 20x + 19 x2 - 21x + 80 x2 - 20x + 100 x2 - 19x + 78 x2 - 23x + 132 x2 + 22x + 72 (x-18) (x-3) (x-1)(x-19) (x-16)(x-5) (x-10)(x-10) (x-6)(x-13) (x-11)(x-12) (x-4)(x-18) x2 - 18x + 45 x2 - 7x + 10 x2 - 9x + 8 x2 - 19x + 48 x2 - 19x + 90 x2 + 8x - 65 x2 - 18x + 77 (x-3) (x-15) (x-5)(x-2) (x-8)(x-1) (x-3)(x-16) (x-9)(x-10) (x-5)(x+13) (x-11)(x-7) x2 + 3x - 4 x2 + 2x + 1 x2 - 64 x2 + 8x - 33 x2 + 7x - 18 x2 + 2x - 63 x2 + 12x - 28 (x+4) (x-1) (x+1)(x+1) (x+8)(x-8) (x-3)(x+11) (x+9)(x-2) (x-7)(x+9) (x-2)(x+14) x2 + x - 2 x2 + x - 12 x2 + 8x + 12 x2 + 9x + 14 x2 + 10x + 25 x2 + 6x - 27 x2 + x - 42 (x-1) (x+2) (x+4)(x-3) (x+6)(x+2) (x+2)(x+7) (x+5)(x+5) (x-3)(x+9) (x-6)(x+7)
Expanding Double Brackets (Level 7) Game Three CONNECT FOUR Expanding Double Brackets (Level 7) Game Three (x-13) (8x-13) (2x-14)(x-21) (6x-2)(2x-10) (x-16)(2x-18) (5x-9)(2x-17) (7x-7)(5x-17) (8x-7)(5x-19) (x-16) (4x-13) (5x-12)(x-14) (2x-8)(3x-13) (8x-12)(x-12) (2x-3)(4x-11) (6x-7)(x-17) (x-2)(7x-19) (x-18) (4x-3) (2x-1)(2x-19) (3x-16)(x-5) (4x-10)(x-10) (5x-6)(2x-13) (3x-11)(x-12) (7x-4)(2x-18) (3x-3) (3x-5) (4x-5)(2x-2) (7x-8)(x-1) (4x-3)(7x-16) (2x-9)(x-10) (2x-5)(4x+13) (4x-11)(x-7) (3x+4) (6x-1) (5x+1)(3x+1) (2x+8)(6x-8) (3x-3)(9x+11) (4x+9)(5x-2) (7x-7)(x+9) (x-2)(7x+14) (2x+1)(x+4) (x+3)(3x+1) (4x+6)(2x+2) (2x+2)(2x+7) (x+5)(4x+2) (6x+3)(2x+7) (5x+1)(3x+2)
Expanding Double Brackets (Level 7) Game Three CONNECT FOUR Expanding Double Brackets (Level 7) Game Three 8x2 -117x +169 x2 -56x +294 12x2 - 64x +200 2x2 -50x +288 10x2 -103x +153 35x2 -154x +119 40x2 -187x +133 (x-13) (8x-13) (2x-14)(x-21) (6x-2)(2x-10) (x-16)(2x-18) (5x-9)(2x-17) (7x-7)(5x-17) (8x-7)(5x-19) 4x2 - 77x + 208 5x2 - 82x +168 6x2 -50x +104 8x2 -108x +144 8x2 - 34x +33 6x2 -109x + 119 7x2 + 33x + 38 (x-16) (4x-13) (5x-12)(x-14) (2x-8)(3x-13) (8x-12)(x-12) (2x-3)(4x-11) (6x-7)(x-17) (x-2)(7x-19) 4x2 - 75x + 54 4x2 - 40x + 19 3x2 - 31x + 80 4x2 - 50x + 100 5x2 - 77x + 78 3x2 - 47x + 132 14x2 -134x + 72 (x-18) (4x-3) (2x-1)(2x-19) (3x-16)(x-5) (4x-10)(x-10) (5x-6)(2x-13) (3x-11)(x-12) (7x-4)(2x-18) 9x2 - 24x + 45 8x2 - 18x + 10 7x2 - 15x + 8 28x2 - 85x + 48 2x2 - 29x + 90 8x2 + 6x - 65 4x2 - 39x + 77 (3x-3) (3x-5) (4x-5)(2x-2) (7x-8)(x-1) (4x-3)(7x-16) (2x-9)(x-10) (2x-5)(4x+13) (4x-11)(x-7) 3x2 + 21x - 4 15x2 + 8x + 1 12x2 +32x -64 27x2 + 6x - 33 20x2 + 37x - 18 7x2 + 56x - 63 7x2 - 28 (3x+4) (6x-1) (5x+1)(3x+1) (2x+8)(6x-8) (3x-3)(9x+11) (4x+9)(5x-2) (7x-7)(x+9) (x-2)(7x+14) 2x2 + 9x +4 3x2 + 10x +3 8x2 + 20x + 12 4x2 + 18x + 14 4x2 + 22x + 10 12x2 + 48x +21 15x2 + 13x + 2 (2x+1)(x+4) (x+3)(3x+1) (4x+6)(2x+2) (2x+2)(2x+7) (x+5)(4x+2) (6x+3)(2x+7) (5x+1)(3x+2)
Use your mini whiteboards to share your answers… Purple Pen of Progress Questions 1) Expand (x + 8) (x + 2) x2 + 10x + 16 2) Expand (x - 2) (x - 12) x2 - 14x + 24 3) Expand (3x - 5) (7x - 2) 21x2 - 41x + 10 Use your mini whiteboards to share your answers…
(8x2 + 26x + 21) m2 1) (x2 + 3xy + 2y2) m2 (9x2 + 12x + 4) m2 3) 2) SUPER EXTENSION 4x +7 1) Find expressions for the areas of each of these gardens. All measurements are in metres. 2x +3 (x2 + 3xy + 2y2) m2 (9x2 + 12x + 4) m2 3) x +2y 3x +2 2) x This plot of land is perfectly square. +y
Use your mini whiteboards to share your answers… Purple Pen of Progress Questions 1) Expand (x + 8) (x + 2) x2 + 10x + 16 2) Expand (x - 2) (x - 12) x2 - 14x + 24 3) Expand (3x - 5) (7x - 2) 21x2 - 41x + 10 Use your mini whiteboards to share your answers…
Have you been successful in this lesson? Learning Objective: Can I expand double brackets? (Level 7) Have you been successful in this lesson? Pupils MUST be able to expand double brackets that involve only positive terms. Pupils SHOULD be able to expand double brackets that involve negative terms. Pupils COULD be able to expand double brackets where the co-efficient of the variable is greater than 1.