Most common pollutant in lakes, streams, and rivers. Caused by erosion of rocks and soil in the water system Degrades water for drinking, fills up storm drains, prevents plants from growing, and animals from finding food. Sediment pollution
Oil & Toxic Chemicals Petroleum can pollute the ocean from an oil spill. Toxic heavy metals such as lead and mercury cause health problems. Both cause damage to developing brains and nervous systems.
Movement of saline (salty) water into freshwater aquifer. Can occur naturally on coastlines or can be caused by humans removing too much groundwater from an aquifer. Contaminates drinking water Saltwater Intrusion
Atmospheric Chemicals Process where atmospheric pollutant such as carbon dioxide move from the air to the earth’s surface. Carbon dioxide is absorbed by the ocean causing the ocean to become more acidic called ocean acidification. This cause damage to coral and other marine organism. Atmospheric Chemicals
Trash that is left on the ground ends up in the water system. Trash is also directly thrown into rivers, streams, and oceans. Marine animals choke on trash or get trapped in debris floating around. Garbage
Point vs. Nonpoint Source Pollution Point source pollution come from one source and can normally be identified. Examples: Factory water Nonpoint source pollution comes from many sources and can not be pinpointed. Example: Agricultural pollution Point vs. Nonpoint Source Pollution
Point vs. Nonpoint Source Pollution
Septic tank is a large underground tank that cleans the wastewater from a household. Water Treatment