We want to take a landscape from that to this and explore how different habitats may affect the movement of different species
The satellite image shows an area of ~ 28 miles x 28 miles around Nairobi, Kenya (the light gray area near the A2 highway marker), a city of 3,000,000+ people.
This is a habitat map of the same area shown in the previous satellite image. Areas have been classified according to their dominant habitat type. These are the habitat types that the students will focus on in creating/using their pixelated maps.
Same map as previous, but with roads and rivers removed to simplify the appearance of the map.
B A This is the goal end product for the students (or may be provided to them if you choose not to have them draw/color their own).
Students can draw their idea of the least-cost path in a cell-by-cell fashion by moving left, right, up, down, or diagonally (see black line as an example); they can also simply draw their path without regard to specific cells and account for the cells their line crosses (even just a little corner of) later during the tallying process (see white line).
What To Do Draw your own pixelated habitat map on graph paper Choose an animal from the list and draw what you think is the least-cost path AB Use cost sheet to calculate total cost of your path
Choose Your Animal!
Habitat Types