Justice Information Sharing in Wisconsin 11/12/2018 Justice Information Sharing in Wisconsin Justice Interoperability Across the Extended Enterprise: A Wisconsin Case Study Extended enterprise. Wanted to emphasize the breadth of partnerships you need to cultivate to pull off real interoperability. Especially in a SOA environment, where you’re not talking about replacing systems, but creating de-coupled interfaces between them. So, Donna and I are responsible for delivering one specific project, Wisconsin’s Gateway search portal. But we really want to talk about the broader landscape, all of the integration/interop efforts that are going on, and our efforts to put a strategic framework around them all. We hope to hear from you, on how you are approaching these challenges. Jim Pingel - WIJIS Director Donna Lewein – Project Manager WI Office of Justice Assistance
Governance Governance External Partners Staff 11/12/2018 OJA Exec Dir (SAA), Chair WI Dept of Justice State CIO State Courts CIO Dept of Corrections – Deputy Sec. Police Chiefs’ representative District Attorneys’ representative Governance Governance External Partners Yes, we have governance. We need to evolve from Advisory to a group with statutory and budgetary authority. h Staff WI Office of Justice Assistance
Wisconsin’s Successes eTIME: First State Hot File System to Exchange Rap Sheet in xml (NCIC, CHRI) District Attorney Case Management (PROTECT) Consolidated Court Automation Program (CCAP) In-Squad Citation/Crash Reporting System (TrACS – DMV) Integrated Corrections System (ICS)
Information Sharing: Web Access Gaps Remain in Seamless, Secure Information Sharing. Local Law Enforcement Records Management Systems Courts DA- PROTECT TIME/eTIME Integrated Corrections
Info Sharing: The WIJIS Justice Gateway A single, secure point of read-only access to disparate state and local justice information resources. Local Law Enforcement Records Management Systems Courts DA- PROTECT TIME/eTIME GJXML Law Enforcement Data GJXML Integrated Corrections
For more information please visit: Contact Information For more information please visit: http://oja.wi.gov Or contact us: David.steingraber@wisconsin.gov james.pingel@wisconsin.gov This project was supported by Grant Numbers 2006-LD-BX-K394, 2004-DD-BX-1382, 2004-RU-BX-K036, 2004-GR-T4-K009, awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. Points of view or opinions in this document are those of the author and do not represent the official position or policies of the United State Departments of Justice or Homeland Security.