Placement of Aeroneb with HFOV Jim Fink, PhD, RRT, FAARC
High Frequency Oscillation Ventilation : In Vitro Setup Infant Ventilation Setup from podium presentation from ATS, San Diego 2005. The vibrating mesh nebulizer is placed in a 15/15mm adapter at the airway Aerosol Deposition 10.25±6.0% Demers et al. ATS San Diego, 2005
Effect of Nebulizer Position on Aerosol Delivery with HFOV Cont Gas Flow Test Lung Aerosol Deposition 0.47±0.1% Filter NEB HFOV have 20 – 40 LPM going through the vent circuit. Aerosol generated in the circuit is dliluted so very little delivered. Placement between the gas flow and the patient is much more efficient. With infant ventilator parameter 10% of dose deposited to the end of the endotracheal tube Cont Gas Flow Test Lung Aerosol Deposition 10.25±6.0% Demers et al. ATS San Diego, 2005
A poster from Mark Siobal at SFGH and Georgia State looking at the impact of nebulization with the Aeroneb Solo during HFOV when simulating an adult ARDS patient. Deposition increased as amplitude increased, from 8.7 – 18% deposition. This is similar to the range of deposition achieved with the Solo in adults, peds and infants with conventional ventilation.