Project MESCAT (MEditerranean Sea-level Change And Tsunamis) A step forward in Mediterranean marine science and sea-level related risk prevention
Motivation (1/2) Sea level is a key variable in the region: Affected by climate change, will have an enormous impact on economy and population Risk of Tsunami XXI century Sea level change in the Mediterranean and its components Tsunami caused by the Argel earthquake, 21st May 2003
Motivation (2/2) Monitor sea level is neither expensive or extremely complex, but… strong and unacceptable North-South unbalance!
Our proposal to solve it: MESCAT The gap Present situation: Impossible to carry out the required sea level monitoring Insufficient knowledge, with the required spatial detail, of sea level evolution under climate change scenarios We need: To complete the Med sea tide gauge network To forecast with sufficient spatial detail future sea level changes and its impacts To build an international network of institutions and persons to work on this problem Our proposal to solve it: MESCAT
MESCAT objectives Complete the Mediterranean tide gauge network Modular approach: only interested actors Distributed approach: responsibility from the first day to local technicians Research on future sea level change, country by country Study sea level impact in pilot areas
Benefits Tide gauge network will be used to describe sea level characteristics and dynamics in the region Highly decentralized network will promote local capacity building Updated estimations of sea level along the 21st century for all Mediterranean countries. Important for tourism, harbours… Real-time measurements for the Tsunami warning system and other applications. Integrated in: MonGOOS, EMODNET, NEAMTWS, MedCLIVAR… Budget Modular… example with 8 station, climate change estimation and 1 impact study: 980.000 euros
The team is ready and we are looking forward to start doing the job Conclusions MESCAT (or a very similar project) is a NEED in the area The cost/benefit ratio is extremely low Capacity building and creation of a network of technicians and researchers is in the core of the project The team is ready and we are looking forward to start doing the job