Literacy in the ESL Classroom Siobhan Balint ESL Teacher Haines Elementary School
Culture and Diversity Who are the English Language Learners? Many were born in the United States Even though they speak little English, they are full of information Their native language is an asset. They can do great things.
Where are our English Language Learners?
Comprehensible Input Demonstration
Who is responsible for teaching our English Language Learners? ELs are the responsibility of all educators.
Changing Mindsets
4 Language Domains Listening Speaking Reading Writing
2 Lenses Teachers need to look through two lenses: Content Objectives Language Objectives
Accommodations for reading: Graphic Organizers or guided questions Sentence Stems Modeling Pre teach Vocabulary Chunking reading Extra thinking time Native Language Support Peer Interactions Use text for multiple purposes Allow students to demonstrate comprehension through drawing and or native language Adapted from ELPS Flip Book (Seidlitz, 2010)