Ancient Greece Unit Test Review Name ______________________________ Ancient Greece Unit Test Review Period _______ Directions: Using the map below, write the names of the locations in the spaces provided next to the numbers 1-10. 1)_________________ 6)_________________ 2)_________________ 7)_________________ 3)_________________ 8)_________________ 4)_________________ 9)_________________(city) 5)_________________ 10)________________(city) Word Box Rhodes-----Crete-----Sparta-----Athens------Attica------Peloponnesus Aegean Sea-----Mediterranean Sea-----Ionian Sea-----Adriatic Sea The two largest Greek Islands: 11) 12) 13) Define peninsula: 14) How many islands make up Greece? 15) Define Harbor: 16) The main reason for sailing becoming an important part of Greek life: 17) Greece’s most prized export: 18) What covers about 90% of Greece?
20) Greek for city-state: 27) Type of government that all citizens can vote on decisions made: 21) Most famous Greek Poet: 28) Define rival: 22) Citizens in Sparta were known as: 29) The event that caused the Golden Age in Athens to begin: Define acropolis: 30) Reason for Pericles ordering the Parthenon to be built: 24) Define agora: 31) Define assembly: Define citizen: 32) Type of government that has one ruler or King: 26) Type of government that has a small group of wealthy powerful people in control: 33) Define jury:
34) Identify the search for wisdom and the right way to live: 400 What caused Alexander’s rule over the Mediterranean region to come to an end? 35) The greatest philosopher of Athens: 41) Identify the main legacy of Alexander The Great’s empire and rule: 36) Why was Socrates sentenced to death? 37) Which major event occurred in Greece in 404 B.C.? 38) Who was in control of the Greek empire in 331 B.C.? 39) How did Aristotle impact Alexander of Macedonia?