Vocabulary: “Earth & Sea” Roots Aqua/Aqui/Aque=Water Hydr=Water Mar/Mer=Sea Geo=Earth Terr=earth
aquatic adjective Living or growing in or near water
aquaculture noun the cultivation of living things (as fish or shellfish) naturally occurring in water https://youtu.be/K1NBcnNzAkU
aqueduct noun pipe or channel to transport running water from a distance
Hydroelectric Adjective Generating electricity by using the power of running water
hydroponics noun The process of growing plants in sand, gravel, or liquid, with added nutrients but without soil.
Hydrophobia Noun Abnormal fear of water; rabies
marina noun a small harbor for docking small boats
maritime adjective Activities and businesses related to the sea
geothermal adjective relating to the internal heat of the earth
terrier noun small dog used by hunters to drive animals from underground
terrarium Noun a transparent enclosure used for keeping and observing small living animals and plants indoors
terrestrial adjective existing on earth; related to the world (not space)
extraterrestrial adjective coming from or existing outside the earth or its atmosphere
Mediterranean Adjective of or relating to the Mediterranean Sea or to the lands or peoples around it; subtropical climate with hot summers and warm winters