Circle the climate regions found in Russia and Central Asia: _____Page 69 – Map of Russia _____Page 70 – USSR to Russia Map _____Page 71 – Physical Characteristics of Russia _____Page 72 – Economic Characteristics of Russia _____Page 73 – Cultural Characteristics of Russia _____Page 74 – Chapter 13 HW _____Page 75 – Chapter 14 HW _____Page 76 – Chapter 15 HW C H E K L I S T Russia & Central Asia Study Guide Name: The largest country in Asia: The Aral Sea is located between which 2 countries? The dominant religion of Russia: _________________ Russian tea urns: Russia’s farming & industry is concentrated in the: _______ ________ The black fertile soil found in the Fertile Triangle region: ____________ How many countries now exist that made up the USSR? Largest inland sea in the world: Peter the Great moved Russia’s capital to this city along the Baltic Sea: Russia covers this many time zones: The largest forest region in the world: 4,000 mile trade route between China and the Mediterranean Sea: The 2 cities connected by the Trans -Siberian Railroad: Russia is a part of the large landmass known as… Which city is not in the centers of culture and trade in Russia: Moscow St. Petersburg Warsaw Novosibirsk The fortress that houses the government of Russia: Circle the climate regions found in Russia and Central Asia: Continental, Mediterranean, Tropical, Arctic The nuclear reactor accident in 1986. The religious building in Red Square with nine colorful domes: The body of water that separates United States & Russia:
The longest river in Europe that flows into the Caspian Sea: When the government makes all decisions regarding the manufacture, sales, and distribution of products: Capital of Russia: The region of Russia located east of the Ural Mountains and means “sleeping land” Most of the people of Russia are located: The longest river in Europe that flows into the Caspian Sea: 2 3 1 4 This vital river forms part of Russia’s heavy industrial region. ____________________ This mountain range is traditional divide between Europe and Asia________________ This mountain range forms a natural border between Russia, Georgia. and Azerbaijan. _________________________ This inland sea covers some of the richest oil deposits in Central Asia. _______________
9 5 6 7 8 The capital of Russia. _______________________ This city is the largest railway station along the Trans-Siberian Railroad. ___________________________ The world’s deepest lake. ______________________ This city is the final stop on the Trans-Siberian Railroad. _______________ This narrow waterway separates Russia and Alaska. ___________________