Why did Europeans Begin Exploring the World? “The Age of Exploration: 1450 – 1600”
During the Crusades (a period of religious conflict), European countries came into contact with ideas from the ______________.
During the Crusades (a period of religious conflict), European countries came into contact with ideas from the FAR EAST.
Europeans especially appreciated such ______________ goods as silk and spices.
Europeans especially appreciated such VALUABLE (luxury) goods as silk and spices.
The Silk Road
As a result, European countries such as ______________, _____________, _____________ and _____________ began searching for a cheap and short route to India and China.
As a result, European countries such as FRANCE, ENGLAND, PORTUGAL and SPAIN began searching for a cheap and short route to India and China.
Many European kings and queens were happy to pay for voyages of exploration because they wanted to gain more __________.
Many European kings and queens were happy to pay for voyages of exploration because they wanted to gain more POWER.
One way to become powerful was to become rich by selling ______________.
One way to become powerful was to become rich by selling FINISHED GOODS.
Therefore, European countries established ______________ in the New World (North & South America) because they were a source of cheap _________________.
Therefore, European countries established COLONIES in the New World (North & South America) because they were a source of cheap RAW MATERIALS.
Colonies were also valuable as a ____________ for finished goods.
Colonies were also valuable as a MARKET for finished goods.
Gaining wealth by establishing colonies as a source of raw materials and market for finished goods is called __________________.
Gaining wealth by establishing colonies as a source of raw materials and market for finished goods is called MERCANTILISM.