3.1 England and Its Colonies
Economic Relationship Mercantilism Adam Smith – restrain imports end encourage exports…avoid a trade deficit Goal: the acquisition of wealth (gold & silver) for the “mother country” 13 Colonies produce raw materials England produces finished products The Colonies exist to benefit England financially
The Navigation Acts Colonial materials must be shipped in Colonial or English ships Ships crews must be ¾ English Navigation Acts as a “jobs program”? Threat to England’s economy Colonies trading directly with European markets This, under Smith’s principles drains wealth from England
Dominion of New England King Charles II cracks down on Massachusetts for disobeying the Navigation Acts Mass. Corporate charter revoked and placed as a royal colony King James II places New England under a single ruler – Sir Edmund Andros. Andros’ hostility towards the Puritans creates conflict
The Glorious Revolution King James II - Roman Catholicism and disdain for parliament William and Mary take power at parliament’s urging “The Glorious Revolution” impacts Mass: Royal Governor established Greater religious toleration mandated
Colonial Self-Government England turns its attention to Europe Focus on France as greatest threat Salutary neglect Empowerment of the Colonial Assemblies (ex: colonies pay Gov.’s salary)