What is Feminism?
What is Feminism? Feminism is a set of theories which suggest that society does not consider or treat women as equal to men. It was in the 1960s and 1970s that feminism became popular. There were other women’s movements before that, such as the suffragettes who fought for votes for women in the early 20thC. Feminists, despite the fact that many of them were influenced by Marxism, claimed that the major theories neglected talking about women’s exploitation. They focused on patriarchy and sexism. Feminists have also looked at how men are also exploited by sexism.
Famous Feminists Ann Oakley (1944 – present) She came up with four ways in which gender roles are reproduced in the family: manipulation, canalisation, language, activities. Betty Friedan (1921 – 2006) With her book ‘The feminine mystique’ in the 1960s she challenged the traditional housewife- role of women. She made women think that they can be successful outside the family. © Theo Chalmers © Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, NYWT&S Collection
Patriarchy According to Feminists Patriarchy is a system of society or government in which men hold the power. This dominance is also expressed in society’s culture. Everything is associated with men, e.g. traditionally, God is referred to as being male. Gender roles, according to feminists, are reproduced during our socialisation, e.g. men are traditionally associated with supporting their families financially, whilst women are traditionally associated with homemaking. In Britain, women have faced discriminated until recently, e.g. women won the right to vote in 1928, and the right to receive equal pay in the 1970s.
Sexism Women still face discrimination in various areas: Tend to earn less Only a small percentage occupy top positions in business They are more openly criticised about their appearance Older women become invisible, i.e. we rarely see them in the media or in certain jobs, such as the entertainment business
Other Areas of Concern for Feminists Feminists are also interested in issues other than the workplace: Sexual violence Forced marriage Domestic abuse The ways in which women are seen as sex objects by the media The male roles promoted by society harm men as well: men are discouraged from expressing their gentler side. They are also disadvantaged in domestic disputes involving children.
Sources https://www.theguardian.com/money/2016/oct/25/young-women-expect- sex-discrimination-work-royal-institution-charered-surveyors http://www.womensequality.org.uk/equal_pay_and_opportunity https://www.wgea.gov.au/fact-sheets-and-research-reports/fact-sheets-and- statistics