Adobe Connect: Web Conferencing, Collaboration, and Teaching Online Hans Aagard Educational Technologist Instructional Development Center Adobe Acrobat Connect:
Agenda What is Connect Connect meeting pods Who can use Connect Get Author role Access to rooms Activity 1, 2, 3 Dealing with bandwidth issues Best practice Acrobat Connect Resources and Support
Sample Connect Meeting Recording What is Connect Chatroom on steroids Available at Purdue Software needed: Flash And a plug-in Sample Connect Meeting Recording
Connect Meeting Pods
Who can use Connect Faculty & Staff (those on Purdue payroll) Purdue Students (WL) Non-Purdue Create meetings Host meetings Participate in meetings Faculty & Staff (those on Purdue payroll) Can create unlimited number of meeting rooms after filling out request form Purdue (West Lafayette) Students Each student will have one single meeting room Theoretically can create, but then can’t access recordings Non-purdue users Can also attend Connect Meetings but faculty or students have to send them URL Host of meeting room has to change their status to “presenter” or “host” if they need to present
Get Author and Meeting Host Role Login Click Confirm Only needs to be done once. Open your browser and go to: On the left, click Request Author and Meeting Host Role Log in with your Purdue Career account login and password; at the next screen, click Confirm In the future, log in at
Access to rooms Like physical rooms Set restrictions Add people, invite Some restrictions No restrictions Meeting rooms are like physical rooms Can restrict access to certain Purdue users or make room accessible via URL (anyone can join) You can search all users at Purdue and select participants for meeting (i.e. only those can attend) You can give colleagues host or presenter access ahead of time so they can conduct meeting in your absence (only users w/Purdue Career Accounts) You can send Invitations to Current Participants of the room – BEWARE of possibility of creating major SPAM
Activity 1 Come on in to my meeting. Link on the agenda: Hans' Connect Room or go to Demonstrate following pods: Overview of pods Overview of layouts Presenter area Roles: Host, presenter, participant Specific pods: Chat Link Chat to Q & A Share Screen PowerPoint Video Voice Recording Poll Breakout Rooms
Activity 2 Let’s make a meeting. Link on the agenda: Connect or go to Activity 2 Go to: Log on with your Purdue Career Account Go to Meetings Tab. Click the New Meeting button Enter a name for the meeting: TLT Distance Ed Workshop (optional) enter a custom URL (otherwise Connect will assign a number for the room) (optional) summary, start time, duration settings (important) choose access type (only registered users & accepted guests vs. anyone who has URL) Click Finish
Activity 3 Let’s do some things within the meeting. Practice the following: Changing roles Viewing room with different roles Add PowerPoint – (upload file from agenda) Share your screen Record voice Record and view recording (Meeting > Manage Meeting Information, then click Recordings link) Create a new layout Add a new pod Add music file to the Sharing pod Add a file to the File Sharing pod Add a link to the Web Link pod
Dealing with Bandwidth Issues Video alternatives Audio Still image “Slow” video Audio ideas Phone Audio settings Don’t lock audio Must presenters use video? Other participants? Consider audio only instead Can a still image be displayed instead? Send “slow” video To audio or not to audio Is a teleconference a better option? Select appropriate audio setting When more than one speaker, don’t ‘lock’ audio; only broadcast audio when speaking
Best Practice Practice Advertise 10 minutes before start Display instructions Run music Thumbs-up “ok” Have presenters practice before the big day to iron out technical problems Ask participants to show up 10 minutes early Display instructions to run audio setup and set connection speed Participants give a ‘thumb’s up’ when ready to go
Best Practice Re-use rooms Student rooms Class – private Promote students’ roles Re-use rooms rather than recreating them for each event Have students use their personal Connect rooms to work on class projects For class use, have a private meeting room available at the same time as a class meeting room Can send/take one or a few students there to work while large class meeting in session Promote students to presenter role to present to class virtually
Other Resources Connect Adobe maintains an excellent support knowledgebase: Please refer to knowledgebase and resources on Adobe website Connect Meeting Resources (user guides; tutorials) System Requirements: Connect Meeting Quickstart Guide (video tutorial) Connect Presenter Quickstart Guide (video tutorial) Users need flash player installed to view content.. Assuming you have flash player installed in offices and labs